The May meeting of the Cayuga Bird Club will be on Monday, May 9 at 7:30 pm at 
the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Cookies and conversation begins at 7:15 pm.
 This month, Rick Manning will share thoughts and plans being discussed by the 
city of Ithaca for making Stewart Park a bird- and birder-friendly destination. 
In addition, Josephine Martell will talk about ideas being considered to manage 
the Canada geese that frequent the park. 
 Rick Manning is the Executive Director & Founder of the Friends of Stewart 
Park and the Coordinator & Founder of the Cayuga Waterfront Trail Initiative. 
Rick is a Professional Landscape Architect in New York State and his practice 
during the past fifteen years has focused on planning and design of park and 
trail projects for a range of public clients throughout New York. In recent 
years his work has increasingly focused on Ithaca’s waterfront - 
completing the Cayuga Waterfront Trail and the revitalization of Stewart Park.
 Josephine Martell serves as a Councilwoman in the City of Ithaca in the fifth 
ward, which includes Fall Creek and Cornell Heights. She has worked in the 
animal welfare and conservation fields for nearly fifteen years doing public 
policy and communications work. She is currently the city’s point person 
for management of the Canada goose population at Stewart Park. Josephine holds 
a MS in public policy from the Center for Animals and Public Policy at the 
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and is pursuing 
doctoral research at Cornell University examining how message framing and word 
choice impact long term species conservation and management. There is no 
speaker dinner this month.
Colleen Richards
Correspondence Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club
Health & Fitness
Weirdest Trick Erases Yellow Teeth Stains In 3 Minutes

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