4/30/15: .... Here in Union Springs at 2 p.m. the first 4 chittering "cigars" flew overhead & circled down to the tall chimney on the girl's dorm. Becky was here & suddenly at least a doz. were overhead. :-) I hope I am wrong & that they make the chimney their summer home but somehow I felt they were migrating .... :'( Come back, pretty pretties!

Mama Bluebird is sitting on eggs in a box up on the "hump." Tree swallows have claimed John's new birdbox on the west end of the clothesline arm & they let us get about 4 ft. from them, chittering as we talk softly to them. They have had a lot of fun with the white feathers I put out on the ground for them.

The male house sparrow guards the box on the east end even tho' he hasn't yet found a mate. Don't know what's in the other 3 boxes. Surely the wrens will claim their old house. Crows are in a tree in the hedgerow. Robins are in a spruce by the garage. Haven't discovered where the chickadees, cardinals, doves & orioles are yet.

Enjoying spring!!

On 4/30/2015 12:31 PM, Joshua Snodgrass wrote:

FOY chimney swifts at 12:20pm. Chittering boomerangs flying over my yard


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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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