Last evening, 3.14.13, watching westward for the comet from my LR window I 
suddenly saw tremendous flocks of SNOW GEESE heading north over the lake + more 
over the west shore. I immediately thought of Donna Scott's post earlier in the 
day about 100s of thousands of Snows on the lake down her way.   

This is my 21st winter in Union Springs. NEVER have I seen migration flights 
such as I watched for over 1/2 hr. last night. There was no break in the 
flocks. Tens of thousands. Even in the fading light, with binox, I could see 
them to the south, north & west. 

Becky said she could see flocks from her house which is 3 mi. east of us. I 
didn't go look that way. Only in the last 10 min. did I see what I could say 
were only Canadas & some of those appeared to be dropping to the lake. Bill 
Hecht should have a lot out from his house this a.m.. Surely this was the LAST 
big show! I thought that last wk., too. Nature is filled with surprises.

In all the excitement I did get to see the comet!! Geese were far more 
exciting. Habbagudday, everybody.

Fritzie B.

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