Cayuga Birders, please consider helping out with this event on May 13th.
Contact info is provided at the bottom of the message.

The First Dryden BioBlitz!

Have you ever wanted to know what lives in our wonderful Dryden Middle and
High School natural areas?  We are going to attempt to identify as many
species as possible on the school property in one day.  Our BioBlitz will
take place on Saturday May 13th from about 6 am to 6 pm.  You and your
families are welcome to attend as many or as few hours as you can.  We may
even extend the search to include some hours at night to search for owls.

BioBlitz events have been conducted all over the world the late 1990’s.
They are an attempt to identify and describe the biodiversity of a
particular area in a short amount of time (no more than 24 hours).  Some of
these events have been sponsored by National Geographic, some by
universities, and some by national parks.  We will conduct the first
BioBlitz in Upstate NY!

If you love nature, put this event on your calendar and come help our
effort.  The event is open to teachers, students and their families, and
community members who are interested in observing and identifying organisms
in our woods, fields, streams, and ponds.  We will be uploading our data to
a website called iNaturalist to share with the larger community of
scientists studying biodiversity.

For more information and to express an interest in participating, please
get in touch with Carole Erslev at  If you have
particular expertise in identifying certain kinds of organisms, please let
me know.
Jody Enck
President, Cayuga Bird Club


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