Since other people have mentioned getting Song Sparrows, I've been on the watch 
for one at my feeders.  Tonight, one showed up.  FOS for me.  Yesterday I had 
another FOS- a Turkey Vulture on rt 41A.

Yesterday was serendipitous for me.  I was backing into the garage and glanced 
up and there was a Sharpshin Hawk on top of the Weeping Cherry.  Luckily, I had 
brought my camera with a 80-400 mm lens with me when I went to Homer.  I 
stopped the car about halfway into the garage.  Got out the camera, lowered the 
window some, and fired away.  The bird stayed for many shots.  It left its 
perch to chase a Cardinal, without success, and returned to the tree.  I moved 
the car out of the garage and again the Sharpie stayed put.  A great day for 
Sharpie photos.  Today, I was out on the sunporch finishing lunch, looked up 
and the Sharpie was putting on the brakes so it didn't hit the sliding door.  
Those tails make great brakes.  Looks like this guy will be around quite a bit. 
 It can have all the House Sparrows it wants, but not my Cardinals.  I've had 
four pairs of Cardinals this winter.  The most I've ever had.

In case you are interested, here's a link to the Sharpie images.

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