Two days ago, in the early evening, when the heavens opened up and heavy
rains fell steady, cold, and dreary, I was outside and ran to seek
shelter.  As I entered my back porch, I turned around to watch the rain and
noticed several small birds fluttering in an amongst a tall and leaning
Norway Maple.  My first thought was hummingbird because they appeared so
small with the naked eye and momentarily would hover, but I knew it was too
early for them.

Turns out they were five goldfinches looking for the best spot to wait out
the storm.  Within a few moments, they settled down for the storm.  I
watched them for about thirty minutes, and I noticed the following.  One
brightly colored male took a position very close to the tree trunk.  The
position was ideal as there was a limb immediately above him that protected
him from the rain like an umbrella.  He looked quite content yet stared
intently at the female who perched about an inch or two from him.  She
looked miserable and held a steady gaze back at him.  I kept scanning the
tree and noticed others chose similar spots or spots with less rain
falling, but had to shake off water periodically. A few times, one or two
or three would take flight and settle somewhere else.  There was one moment
where the first male lunged out and pecked at the female, who I think tried
to get closer to him and get more shelter.  After that peck, she stayed put
and did not try again.

At the same time, a Chipping Sparrow caught my eye in the adjacent
crabapple tree.  He also found an amazing shelter spot, similar to the
first male goldfinch I described (but better):  in a nook where two limbs
were close together, one on top of the other, creating a nook and a
shelter.  This sparrow stayed put through out the storm, rhythmically
looking left and right, and center.  I did not see any other sparrows in
that tree until the rain lightened up.  When the rain slowed down, there
was movement in both trees.

Other bird highlights in my yard I've seen/heard in past few days
--at or below the feeder or in my garden:  Golden-winged Warbler* (yes!),
 Chipping Sparrows*, White-crowned Sparrows*, doves, grackles, juncoes,...
--passersby heard/nearby: kingfisher, Red-bellied Woodpecker, bluebird
--heard in higher tree tops of mature trees: titmouse, cardinal,
chickadees, ...
--missing for months:  Pileated, Downy, and Hairy woodpeckers

I am so grateful for this birding community.  My life is so much more rich
because of it.  Thank you.


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