New member to the list, I joined to get help identifying a bird(s) I witnessed 
in Lansing.

I was hoping to find out more about what type of bird that I saw yesterday, and 
also a few years ago, both here in Lansing. I enjoy birds very much, and I am 
no expert, but am familiar with the local types.

The sighting a few years ago happened when I was standing in my front yard and 
saw a large dark colored bird flying in my direction. We have an open area here 
and can see all the way from our house, which is about a mile from Myers Point, 
straight down the lake to Ithaca. This bird was flying about 75 to 100 feet in 
the air and flew directly over me heading North. The first thing that amazed me 
was the size as it had a huge wingspan. The two other features that I observed 
is that the wings were gull shaped, and it had a long forked tail trailing. At 
the time I had never heard of a Frigate bird, but after looking through some 
guides it seemed to be the only one that matched what I saw. 

Yesterday, (June 23), I was inside my house and was looking out the 2nd floor 
window and saw a very large bird fly past (up higher in the sky). I ran outside 
to get a better look and saw the same long tail, huge size. The other features 
I was able to see on this bird was a light patch on it's chest (the rest of the 
bird was dark colored), and the shape of the beak. Looking at pictures in one 
of my bird guides, it matched a female Frigate bird in the chest patch I saw, 
as well as the beak shape. It also had the gull wing shape and flew from West 
to East.

My question is that, as I've been told it's unlikely that these were Frigate 
birds, what were they? I would appreciate any ideas.

In both cases I had a very good look at the birds. The wing shape was 
definitely a gull wing shape, the wingspan was huge. They both had trailing 
tail feathers, with the first sighting a definite fork to the tail, the recent 
one seemed to have the tail feathers together. In both sightings the birds were 
moving pretty fast, no gliding, just constant wing pumping and flew on a 
straight line.

As I mentioned, I'm by no means an expert, but I do know what Herons, Eagles, 
Turkey Vultures, etc. look like, and these birds were definitely out of the 

Thanks in advance for your help!



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