Today my SFO group tallied 76 species as we worked our way up the east side of Cayuga Lake and around the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.Highlights included:
Dozens of BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS on Drake Rd in Lansing, thanks to Meena, plus 1 or 2 CEDAR WAXWINGS in the same flock;
20 species of waterfowl, 3 species of grebes, 4 species of gulls...
COMMON LOONS in breeding plumage in several locations on Cayuga Lake;
1 GREATER SCAUP male with several LESSERS in Finger Lakes Marine next to Myers Point Park;
OSPREYS in several locations, including Myers;
3 stunning tom WILD TURKEYS along NYS-90, thanks to sun on their bronze plumage;
EASTERN MEADOWLARK on Lake Rd (Ledyard) leading down toward Long Point State Park;
Several TREE, 2 BARN and 1 NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW over the field next to bluffs north of Long Point;
pair of COMMON GOLDENEYE below those same bluffs, thanks to Suan;
Huge pure white immature GLAUCOUS GULL with many RING-BILLEDs on the delta of Paines Creek at the south end of Aurora;
2 winter plumage & 1 breeding plumage HORNED GREBE together NW of the Wells College boathouse, thanks to Bob McGuire;
2 pair of BLUE-WINGED TEAL, the males showing purple iridescence on their "gray" heads, in the Factory Street pond in Union Springs;
1 breeding plumage RED-NECKED GREBE identified at a great distance, despite heat shimmer, from Frontenac Park in Unions Springs;
an adult COOPER'S HAWK which consented to being scoped near Mud Lock;
baby BALD EAGLE in the new nest south of Mud Lock, and both parents perched and interacting nearby;
big flocks of CANVASBACKS in the Main Pool and Knox-Marsellus and Montezuma NWR;
MUTE SWAN identified at great distance in Tschache Pool;
several real SNOW GEESE, including one "BLUE" GOOSE at Knox-Marsellus;
several WOOD DUCKS in the Armitage Rd swamp which tolerated being viewed from stopped cars;
a skulky RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, also in last year's Prothonotary Warbler territory in the Armitage Rd swamp west of big bridge;
a lovely gray-tan SANDHILL CRANE in a stubble field along Savannah-Spring Lake Rd southwest of Tyler Rd;
several WILSON'S SNIPES and YELLOWLEGSS in flooded stubble on Carncross Rd, thanks to Jay McGowan;
lots of marsh noise, including PIED-BILLED GREBES and AMERICAN COOTS on Van Dyne Spoor Rd (but no Short-eared Owls for us).
--Dave Nutter
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