At Myers Park, flying down Salmon Creek at 5:30 this evening was a kingfisher with a Ring-billed gull in hot pursuit. The kingfisher flew into a tree where the gull couldn't follow. It took a swift turn & came back towards the tree, joined by another gull. The kingfisher stayed put, well out of reach & the gulls went back upstream to sit on a log. Wonder what caused such behavior?

On another note ..........

Ten min. or less after I put two mouse traps side by side inside the bluebird box on the east clothesline arm on Mon., I caught the miserable killer, male house sparrow. He had already destroyed at least one bluebird egg in another box & was a constant plague to the tree swallows in the west clothesline box to the point that they seemed about to abandon the nest. He had no mate but was making sure no other birds could use the box he was in. I feel sure he would have destroyed the eggs or killed the swallow mom & babies just because that's his nature.

Needless to say, he won't be destroying anymore eggs or killing anymore moms or babies. I am only 30 ft. from the boxes so can keep close watch. Had seen the male going in & out. No other bird had been near for several days so rather than struggle to put the commercial bird trap inside on the door I used mouse traps, deciding to watch but to remove them when I had to go elsewhere.

Another pr. of sparrows had built in another box. On Mon. I removed 2 of the 3 eggs there. Will soon check on the box to continue to remove all but one egg or to put 2 mousetraps in that box. Yes, it seems mean & heartless but when you see as many destroyed eggs & dead babies & moms as I have, you decide to take drastic measures against invasives. The male sparrows go into the boxes to destroy the eggs or to peck the moms & babies to death. It's a pitiful sight to see their scarred heads.

Only one male bufflehead duck remains on Mill pond in Union Springs. Seems late. Saw the eagle on the new Aurora nest this evening.



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