Hi fellow birders ........

To all of you who know Larue &/or appreciate this gentle, wonderful man:

Diana Whiting forwarded the letter below to me, suggesting that Larue St. Clair 

nominated as a potential recipient for a National Wildlife Refuge Systems 

Like Diana, I also think this is a great idea because of all he has done for 
the refuge 

these past 15 or so yrs., his friendliness to all, in sharing his knowledge, 
his faithfulness, 

including filling in at the desk when no one else is available, all this 
despite health 

problems, his age (mid-80s) & having to drive about 20 mi. each way plus his 
driving all 

around the refuge to count & ID birds. 

Please take a few moments to go to the site below & fill out the form. I've 
given needed info.

Chris T-Hymes, Cayugabirds-L list owner has given permission to send this. 
Thanks, Chris!

Fritzie Blizzard, Union Springs


Information needed: 

 Larue St. Clair

642 Levanna Rd.    Aurora, NY 13026



 Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

3395 Rte. 5 & 20     East Seneca Falls, NY 13148



Refuge Manager: Tom Jasikoff

e-mail: tom_jasik...@fws.


From: "NWRA" <dharw...@refugeassociation.org>

  Subject: NWRA: 2011 NWRS Awards Reminder 

  Reply-To: dharw...@refugeassociation.org



              2011 NWRS Awards Reminder

               Nomination Deadline Only One Week Away!

               The National Wildlife Refuge System Awards, sponsored by the 
National Wildlife Refuge Association and the National Fish and Wildlife 
Foundation, honor outstanding accomplishments by Refuge Managers, Refuge System 
Employees, Volunteers and Friends Groups.  Don't miss this chance to nominate 
an outstanding colleague or group for recognition!

               Nominations are due no later than November 15, 2010

               Award recipients receive a commemorative plaque and a monetary 
award ($1000 for Refuge Manager, Employee and Volunteer awards, $2000 for 
Friends Group) and media coverage through press releases and placement on the 
refugeassociation.org website.

               We welcome re-submissions in support of nominees from previous 
years, and we encourage you to take the time to reflect on the success stories 
of the folks around you who have never been nominated but have richly earned 
the respect and admiration of refuge supporters.

               Please visit 
http://www.refugeassociation.org/new-events/callfornom2010.html to read more 
about the awards program, including coverage of past recipients, and to 
download the nomination forms in Word or PDF format. Contact Debbie Harwood at 
202-292-2450 or dharw...@refugeassociation.org for more information.

              Copyright © 2010 National Wildlife Refuge Association.
              Privacy Policy Unsubscribe


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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