In spite of the curious date and seemingly large number, everything in the 
field pointed to White-rumped Sandpipers and others e-mailed to say they also 
saw good numbers of White-rumps last weekend at Knox-Marsellus.  A quick check 
of Bull '98 shows an inland maxima of 97 at MNWR on 30 May 1971, which would be 
at the peak passage time for the species.  


Dave W.
Oswego County

Montezuma NWR--Knox-Marcellus Marsh, Seneca, US-NY
Jun 22, 2011 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments:     From the East Rd overlook. Are the shorebirds Spring migrants?  
Fall migrants?  non-breeders/failed breeders?
37 species (+1 other taxa)

Canada Goose  75
Wood Duck  2
American Wigeon  20     estimated
American Black Duck  2
Mallard  550     500-600 counted with quasi-accuracy
Blue-winged Teal  6
Northern Shoveler  2
Northern Pintail  1
Green-winged Teal  20     estimated
Redhead  2
Ruddy Duck  3
Great Blue Heron  14
Green Heron  1
Osprey  2
Bald Eagle  2
Sandhill Crane  4
Killdeer  10
Spotted Sandpiper  1
Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs  3     In a grassy area and hard to see.  Presumably 
fall migrants or failed breeders
White-rumped Sandpiper  15     Exact count; presumably non-breeders; too far to 
see plumage well but none struck me as bright, heavily streaked, spring adults
Dunlin  1     Black belly patch.  Fall migrant?
Ring-billed Gull  20
Black Tern  6
Northern Flicker  1
American Crow  5
Tree Swallow  40
Barn Swallow  10
European Starling  6
Common Yellowthroat  1
Eastern Towhee  1
Savannah Sparrow  4
Song Sparrow  1
Swamp Sparrow  1
Indigo Bunting  3
Bobolink  2
Red-winged Blackbird  X
Common Grackle  2
American Goldfinch  X

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