Today was the first of several opportunities offered by the Montezuma National 
Wildlife staff to walk along the dike separating Knox-Marcellus and Puddler 
Marshes to get closer views of the shorebirds congregating there. Multiple 
pairs of eyes failed to turn up any rarities, but we had wonderful comparison 
looks at Short and Long-billed Dowitchers and certainly enjoyed the huge White 

Pat Martin

>Montezuma NWR--Knox-Marsellus Marsh, Seneca, US-NY
>Jul 27, 2014 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
>Protocol: Traveling
>0.3 mile(s)
>Comments:     with Dave Nutter, Jay McGowan, 20ish others on dike walk across 
>36 species
>Canada Goose  40
>Wood Duck  3
>American Black Duck  1
>Mallard  30
>Hooded Merganser  6
>Great White Pelican  1     huge white bird with yellow-orange bill and legs; 
>bill with knob on upper mandible, continuing
>Great Blue Heron  37
>Great Egret  8
>Green Heron  2
>Northern Harrier  1
>Sandhill Crane  2
>Semipalmated Plover  30     partial count, then estimate
>Killdeer  3     many heard, but surprisingly few visible out on the mudflats
>Spotted Sandpiper  1     seen by Jay McGowan
>Solitary Sandpiper  1     calling bird flying over, which landed in Puddler's 
>marsh and disappeared
>Greater Yellowlegs  3
>Lesser Yellowlegs  100     partial count, then estimate
>Stilt Sandpiper  3
>Least Sandpiper  20     MANY fewer than semipalmated
>Pectoral Sandpiper  20     estimate
>Semipalmated Sandpiper  400     partial count, then estimate, confirmed with 
>Short-billed Dowitcher  2
>Long-billed Dowitcher  4
>Bonaparte's Gull  2
>Ring-billed Gull  34
>Caspian Tern  12
>Black Tern  4     perhaps more; flying back and forth
>Purple Martin  1
>Tree Swallow  X
>Bank Swallow  X
>Barn Swallow  X
>Marsh Wren  2
>Cedar Waxwing  X     fly overs
>Yellow Warbler  1
>Swamp Sparrow  2
>Red-winged Blackbird  10
>View this checklist online at 
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