Phoebes have been singing around my place for the last four or five days. Today a pair was investigating their traditional nest site under the eaves at my shop, and another was at my house. A few Fox Sparrows were singing from under the bushes. I checked the bat house this evening. No one was inside, but several bats were circling it, and flitted through my flashlight beam.


On Apr 1, 2010, at 8:40 PM, Kathy Strickland wrote:

Phoebes up at this end of the lake too. First saw "my" phoebe about 8:30 while I was talking to Fritzie on the phone just before I left for the morning. Then when I was home this afternoon it was delightful to hear it singing thru the open windows. Also tonight a few spring peepers are calling in what is left of the swampy woods across the road (a breeding sink, unfortunately, since the rest of it will be bulldozed shortly) and at least one toad is trilling. Venus and Mercury a pretty sight in the west just now, too.
Such a lovely spring day.

---------Kathy Strickland, Union Springs
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 11:04:05 -0400
Subject: RE: [cayugabirds-l] Phoebes

In the morning to keep of the smell of Jointer compound (or whatever it is called, but stinks), I opened the windows and I also heard a very insistent Eastern Phoebe of my neighborhood vocalizing.

Last a couple of times when I have walked to Pine Tree road, I have got fooled by a mockingbird. I heard Kestrel calling so I looked immediately for it and only to hear a next call either a killdeer or tufted mouse or anything else. He does perfect mimicry of Kestrel. I think it must have learnt from the local kestrel of Equestrian center.


From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan Douglas
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:53 AM
To: CayugaBirds
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Phoebes

On my bike ride into lab late this morning I heard EASTERN PHOEBES along the south edge of the Cornell golf course, a couple along the creek in the Mundy Wildflower Garden, another one along Beebe Lake and another one just east of Mann Library. Lots of SONG SPARROWS and DARK-EYED JUNCOS were singing all along my route as well.
Good birding,

Ryan Douglas
Dept. of Plant Biology
142 Emerson Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

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Geo Kloppel
Bowmaker & Restorer
227 Tupper Road
Spencer NY 14883

607 564 7026


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