Fri. 19 Feb. 2015 about 4 p.m.  on Mill pond along Rte. 90  ....I observed:

2 Male & 1 female PINTAIL ducks close to the East side of the pond.

Also saw redheads, mallards, gadwall, buffleheads, A. wigeon & Canada geese.

Mill pond & outlets from Mill & Factory St. ponds, have sheltered several thousand

Canadas since more of the lake has been frozen, with many also over around

Frontenac Island. We see thousands of geese coming in to roost about 4 p.m..

Factory St. pond still has a few ducks, VERY FEW compared to the abundant numbers

in yrs. past. Some days I'm lucky if I  see more than two. The pond looks dead with

no obvious plants. While ducks dive, I see few there or on Mill coming up with any plants.

For those who voiced concern about the Scout project last yr., the path was made & now

you can see 6 benches placed for "viewing comfort." The far western one, I believe, is

placed in a bed of poison ivy, so beware.

Fritzie Blizzard

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