Today, as the June mowing of the last few days was smelling good, but causing 
confusion among the previously nesting Red-winged Blackbirds and Bobolinks, a 
group of Ravens parked themselves on fields next to my house.  

I suspect this is the same group as flew through earlier in the week—there were 
6 then and there were at least 4 today.  They foraged on a field mostly out of 
sight through brushy trees and spent the whole day whooping, quonking and 
making noises that turned out to be fledglings demanding what adults were 
finding.  Definitely fledglings involved, as they occasionally landed and 
vocalized high enough in the trees that I could see them well at the edge of 
the field and our scrubby land.  The landings entailed a great deal of flapping 
and some sudden vocalizations as the branch did not hold. I got a few sightings 
of flying ravens with relatively small heads, in the stretching, 
trying-to-fly-faster posture of young corvids. 

I got a few other views, including one of an adult carrying a whole,small 
rodent low across the field back toward where the fledglings seemed to be 
perched.  The vocalizations from the waiting birds crescendoed and everyone 
followed the bird with the food along the tree line, so I had glimpses and some 
good views of 4 or more. 

They seemed to ignore  one of the local pair of Redtail Hawks as it also soared 
back and forth over the fields, being attacked by Redwinged Blackbirds.

Anyway the picnic on the hayfield lasted noisily all day until about 7 pm.  Now 
they have disappeared, I think off to the South and back into the Basin, which 
might be Hammond Hill area or closer to 13. Wish they had been more visible.  


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