Seven SFO participants joined me for an all day trip up the lake and in the
Montezuma area on Sunday.  The morning was very windy,  overcast and
chilly. While the afternoon brought out the sun,  and a bit of warmth,  the
wind was relentless all day,  which was a hindrance in finding and getting
clear looks at some birds.

We started on Drake Rd. hoping for Bohemian Waxwings.  While we didn't find
them we did find a nice variety of other birds including Carolina Wren,
Song Sparrow, N. Cardinal, Blue Jay, House Finch, Red-winged Blackbird,
Robin, and Mourning Dove.

Ladoga and Myers Point were our next stop.  Here despite the wind and
whitecaps we found Am Coot, Ring-necked Duck, Redhead Bufflehead, Mallard,
Common Loon, Killdeer, Ring-billed Gull and Great Black-backed Gull. 

Due to the wind we made only brief stops on Lake Rd and at Long Point.  Our
next genuinely productive stop was in Union Springs, at both the Factory
St. and Mill Ponds. The Factory St. pond gave us the first sun shining
through the clouds on great views of Gadwall and Blue-winged Teal, and a
beautiful female Belted Kingfisher. We heard N Flicker here,  but never did
see it, and found Brown-headed Cowbirds as well.  The Mill Pond was almost
devoid of waterfowl,  but we did find both Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers,
giving us good views of the difference in bill sizes, Red-bellied
Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse and Black-capped Chickadees and Tree Swallows.  

>From Union Springs we went up to the Village offices in Cayuga, having good
looks on the way at Osprey  both on a nest platform and one sitting on the
ground near by.   At the village offices we added Greater Scaup,  and then
on to Mud Lock where we had good views of the new Bald Eagle nest and one
adult Eagle.  The chicks were hunkered down and not visible.

At the visitor center and wildlife drive at Montezuma we added 
Green-winged Teal, Canvasback,  and one of our highlight birds, a Caspian
Tern,  seen from the tower, sitting with several Ring-billed Gulls in the
shallow water on the right side of the wildlife drive.  

At Tschache Pool we found Pied-billed Grebes, which at least a few of us
saw engaging in courtship behavior, Trumpeter Swans, and had a chance to
hear Coot calls.  The highlight here was a Peregrine Falcon initially seen
sitting on a mound of cattails quite far out. It took a bit of patience to
get a solid ID,  but we were able to get good enough views between wind
gusts to be confident.  When it took off it's shape,  long pointed and
strong flight despite the wind added to our certainty.

We skipped Mays and headed up towards Savannah with a stop on East Rd. 
just below the over look. Several of our group,  though not all,  saw N.
Harrier.  Here we found DC Cormorants, Ruddy Ducks, and several Great Blue
Heron,  as well as a Red-tailed Hawk with prey in the fields across the
road.  It was joined by a second Red-tailed Hawk, and they ended up in what
looked like a confrontation over the prey,  with one on either side of it,
 both with wings spread wide.  The second bird left after perhaps 30 seconds. 

Our final stop was briefly at Carncross Rd.  with the hope of finding
shorebirds. The wind was very strong and getting solid ID's of the
shorebirds we did see proved not possible.

On the way back down the east side of the lake we added our last bird if
the day, an Am. Kestral sitting on a wire. 

All told despite the wind a very good day of birding.

Bill Baker

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