I thought I copied this to Cayuga Birds last night:


Seneca Falls Fairgrounds, Martin Rd., Seneca, US-NY Jul 16, 2011 4:30 PM -
5:10 PM


Upland Sandpiper  17     Appeared to be 1 family group of 6 in deeper grass
on north edge another family group of 4 near the red building in the center
of the grounds.  The remaining birds were readily visible in short grass

Horned Lark  14     about half were juveniles


We arrived at Puddler's Marsh around 6:30. In spite of 90 degrees there was
no heat shimmer and good light.  Great numbers of birds. Highlights are as

            1 Stilt Sandpiper

            1 Short-billed Dowitcher

            2 Semi-palmated Sand.

            4 Pectoral Sand.

            1 White-rumped Sand.

            4 Solitary Sand.

            30 Spotted Sand.

            250 Killdeer all over the mudflats at KM

            30 Greater Yellowlegs

            ~1000 Lesser yellowlegs

            500 Least Sand.

            21 great Egrets flew in around 7:40 as did numbers of Great-blue
Herons until they totaled over 120.

We could not find the Wilson's Phalarope or Baird's but I bet they're still

 Our persistence was rewarded by 2 otters that came out and started feeding
on the water near the N-NE shore.  We no longer cared about the birds we may
have missed. Mike and Joann Tetlow


In addition to the above the Clay-colored Sparrow was singing on and off at
King Road even at 4pm.


They have flooded the visitor center pool and it already attracted 30
Killdeer, 1 Solitary Sand., 12 lesser and I Greater Yellowlegs last evening.


Even though all 21 Great Egrets were in the air at once no wing tags were

        Mike and Joann Tetlow




Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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