I counted 4549 crows coming to the roost located primarily west of Rt96B opposite the IC campus with some birds roosting on the east side of 96B near the circle apartments: Sunday, 1 March, 2014. I couldn't see if there were any birds coming from the south or west. On 1 March, the birds were roosting primarily on IC Natural Area land.

The arrival began slowly, peaked about 5:20-5:30 and then declined abruptly.

There were two major flight lines approaching the roost as follows
The first approach line came from the north over the land that slopes steeply down to the valley. On 1 March, these birds were high in the sky. On 28 Feb. this approach had far greater density of crows during a few minutes of observation period than at the same time on 1 March and the birds came in to the roost just above tree top.
The other approach line flew into the roost going in a westsouthwest direction. This approach line had many birds on 1 March, but did not have many birds during the previous evening.

On both evenings, peak arrival was during the later part of the entire arrival time.
The flight lines and elevation used varied between the two nights.

THE ROOSTING BIRDS WERE VERY CLOSE TO RT 96B AND PROVIDED A PHOTOGENIC OPPORTUNITY, IF YOU LIKE BLACK AND WHITE.  The crows even fed along the road shoulder with hundreds in tree tops directly behind the feeding birds. From 96B the site is crossed by utility lines, but from the drive that accesses Longview, the roosting bids can ge seen without lines in the way.

Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Please submit your observations to eBird!

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