There have been regular visits by varying numbers of Tundra Swans (40+ 
yesterday, 9 today).  Waterfowl are reassembling after the withdrawal of ice 
mostly Canvasbacks and hardly any Canadas). While it was sunny, Tundra Swans 
were napping like snow lumps on an ice floe. Early this morning about 9 Tundras 
were flapping and spashing by my dock, a nice sight on a cold morning. 
Yesterday it looked like there were a lot of Tundras way across the lake to the 
east, but I couldn't be sure that there wasn't some sort of gull magnification 
phenomenon going on due to the ice, snow, sun and distance.


Location:     SW corner Cayuga Lake
Observation date:     2/11/11
Notes:     A coherent group of 6 Tundra Swans shows up regularly in the SW 
corner of Cayuga--there are at least two young ones in the group (dark necks).  
They stay together even if other swans show up.
Number of species:     19

Canada Goose     8
Tundra Swan     9
American Wigeon     2
American Black Duck     6
Mallard     5
Canvasback     650
Redhead     210
Ring-necked Duck     9
Ruddy Duck     8
Great Black-backed Gull     4
gull sp.     9
Mourning Dove     17
Red-bellied Woodpecker     1
Downy Woodpecker     1
Hairy Woodpecker     1
American Crow     2
Black-capped Chickadee     1
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern)     2
Carolina Wren     1
House Sparrow     10

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