Thanks Tom!  Heading up soon....


On 7/31/10 12:35 PM, "Tom Johnson" <> wrote:

I checked only a few of the good spots around Montezuma this morning,
but ended up seeing neat  birds anyway.  What is likely the same
Prothonotary Warbler found a few weeks ago is still present along the
road at Mays Point Pool - each of the three times I've seen it, the
bird was drawn to the roadside by a noisy chickadee mob.
The Knox-Marcellus impoundments at East/ Towpath Roads are still in
excellent shape, with high concentrations of shorebirds, herons,
terns, and molting/ migrating passerines (Bobolinks, Yellow Warblers,
swallows).  A buffy juvenile Wilson's Phalarope (clearly different
from the well-colored adult bird that had been present earlier in the
month) was feeding with yellowlegs, and there are surely more goodies
out there among the 1500+ shorebirds present.  Morning viewing is good
from Towpath Rd., but in the afternoon/ evening East Rd. is better,
especially if you search for more creative viewing spots.  The draw
down of the western impoundment here has been superb for drawing in
lots of shorebirds during early and now, peak shorebird migration, but
several birders have expressed concern that the water level is still
dropping and the pool might dry out entirely in the near future.
Perhaps a bit of reflooding from the canal and then another drawdown
would help to replenish the flats here...
The main pool/ visitor center at Montezuma NWR might still be worth
checking (LaRue's Lagoon has water but few birds), but the clear
highlights of the refuge seem to be Knox-Marcellus, Mays Point,
Tschache Pool, and North Spring Pool at the current time.  I didn't go
further north into Wayne County today, but the Savannah area has been
quite good in recent weeks as well, especially Van Dyne Spoor Rd.
Sandhill Cranes were along Rt. 89 near the Armitage Rd. intersection
in two different fields (7 birds).
Good birding,

Thomas Brodie Johnson
Ithaca, NY
mobile:  717.991.5727

Ken Rosenberg
Director of Conservation Science
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Ithaca NY 14850

Phone: 607-254-2412
cell: 607-342-4594


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