Next Monday, September 11, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
 Our speaker will be:  Amanda D. Rodewald, Ph.D., Garvin Professor of 
Ornithology and Director of Conservation Science, Cornell University Robert F. 
Schumann Faculty Fellow, Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Department of Natural 
Resources; Faculty Fellow, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, Cornell 
University.Her presentation will be -  In the Thick of It: How Invasive Plants 
Affect Breeding Birds
Invasive species are among the most serious conservation threats to native 
biodiversity. Invasive plants, in particular, can affect birds by altering food 
and nesting resources. Recent studies also show that invasive plants can 
increase the vulnerability of breeding birds to nest predators.  Dr. Rodewald 
will discuss a decade of research showing how Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera 
maackii), one of the most problematic exotic and invasive shrubs in eastern 
forests, influences predator-prey interactions in urbanizing landscapes. As 
both a faculty member in the Cornell Department of Natural Resources and 
Director of Conservation Science at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Amanda 
Rodewald works to generate, apply, and communicate science in ways that advance 
understanding of ecology and also support conservation. Her research program 
seeks to understand the behavioral and demographic mechanisms guiding 
population, community, and landscape-scale responses of birds to land use 
change and human activity in the eastern US and Latin America. The meeting will 
be held at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. All are welcome. Doors open 
at 7:00 pm and there will be cookies and conversation starting at 7:15. Bird 
club business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the presentation. Members: Please 
remember to review the annual proposed budget in the newsletter before our vote 
at this meeting. Members are invited to join Amanda for dinner at Taste of Thai 
Express (downtown on Rt. 13N) just before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP 
to Colleen Richards at  by noon Monday so reservations can be 
made.Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club
A New Way To Turn On The 'Master' Metabolic Switch
LCR Health

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