Yesterday, 11/7, after birding with the Bird Study Group at Myers Park; 
   Susan Soboroff, Bonnie Wojnowski and I continued up to MNWR. We 
stopped at the Aurora Boathouse where there were hundreds of Ring-billed 
Gulls, sitting on the docks and out on the water, with still more flying 
around.  As we got looking out on the lake we saw many Common Loons, 
they were out towards the middle and continued north.  I scanned south 
to north and estimated close to 300.  While scanning I saw what I 
believe was a Grebe in the mix.   There were Gulls among the Loons also, 
Cormorants were flying around too.   (This was around 10:30 am.)

We drove up to the Post Office in Aurora and looked out on the Lake from 
there.  I have never seen that many Loons on the Lake before.  I did not 
count here, but the Loons went further north. We also saw two groups  of 
Cormorants, about 10 in each group. The Cormorants were in a line, in a 
very tight group, while the Loons were scattered.  In the distance there 
was shimmer and the water was darker, not able to make out the many more 
birds out there.

We looked out on the lake from the boatyard when we got to Union Springs 
but did not see Loons there.
Good Birding,



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