RE: Re:[cayugabirds-l] Saw-whet Owls

2024-02-21 Thread Deb Grantham
I've been hearing screech owls every night for about a month (Sheffield Road, 
Ithaca/Enfield town line), north of me, that rolling sound they make, not the 


-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Geo Kloppel
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 7:22 AM
Subject: Re:[cayugabirds-l] Saw-whet Owls

So now it’s day 13, and the question is: what’s going on here? The expenditure 
of time and energy is conspicuous. Is this courtship? a single-sex group, 
warming-up for courtship-to-come? It seems quite early. Perhaps these are just 
well-fed boasters loitering in a rich winter hunting camp?

I did note the early New York egg date of March 31st. I think I’ve tracked that 
down to a pair that nested in a Wood Duck box on Howland Island in 1966. They 
produced three fledglings in late May (Kingbird 16-3, p. 168). 


> On Feb 21, 2024, at 6:02 AM, Geo Kloppel  wrote:
> Definitely still at least two Saw-whets here. Curious about what these 
> little owls might be doing in the pre-dawn hours, I went outside from 5:00 to 
> 5:30 AM. The answer is that they’re as vocal in the morning as they’ve been 
> in the evenings, tooting back and forth from perches. Just before taking 
> flight an owl begins an accelerated, fluttery “tu-tu-tu-tu…” which continues 
> as the bird moves to a new location. Then there’s a pause, before the tooting 
> starts again. Occasionally one gives a whine or several squeaks.
> -Geo


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[cayugabirds-l] Saw-whet owls

2022-08-13 Thread Karen

For a decade local birders have banded migrating Northern Saw-whet Owls at the 
banding station in my yard known as Hammond Hill Owls or HHOWLS. This is one of 
my greatest pleasures. We have caught, weighed, measured and banded over 1000 
owls, including ~30 previously banded owls, thereby, contributing to our 
knowledge about owl survival and migration. The people who come out to go 
banding are wonderful, interesting company, with a shared interest in birds, 
wildlife, and science. I feel that going out in the dark at night and finding 
an owl in the net is like Christmas morning and finding a wonderful present in 
your stocking. 

Previously, I have been glad to welcome large numbers of visitors to watch and 
share in the banding. However, the concern for covid and my increasingly tired, 
old bones are compatible only with a smaller number of volunteers. Accordingly, 
this year Phil MacNeil and Maddie Ulinski are going to organize the banding as 
part of an effort to help me.

We are looking for a small group to form a banding core. We band from between 1 
Oct and ~19 Nov, about 50 days. But, we only band on about ¼ of those nights 
when weather is very favorable. Volunteers agree to come on certain night(s) of 
the week. But it is not possible to predict how many. For example, if you chose 
Weds., it is possible that there will be perhaps nearly 7 nights with favorable 
weather, or perhaps nearly none.  
If this sounds as exciting to you, as it is to us, contact Phil by email at 

John Confer 607-539-6308


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