This was my first full year of "serious" birding thanks to an upgrade in
binoculars.  It's been a memorable year.

Highlights in the Cayuga Basin for me were:  the elusive Tufted Duck, the
American Avocet at Montezuma last winter, the Great Horned Owl and her two
chicks, the massive Snow Geese cloud landing on Cayuga Lake, all of the
local waterfowl, learning to bird my yard by ear, ......shorebirds on the
SFO NJ trip, hawk migration, seeing and hearing the Woodcock fly up/down
with Bob's SFO group, the Eastern Screech Owl on Suan's infrared camera and
later watching the tagging of a Northern Saw-whet Owl at John Confer's
house, hearing the Short-eared Owl barking on Ann's outing, Snowy Owl in
the middle of a snowy field in Interlaken with Dave Nutter, and so much

Highlights from my back yard in Fall Creek:  the Red-tailed Hawk and
squirrel drama, seeing five different warblers this fall.  Osprey circling
Fall Creek daily for weeks, Kingfisher flybys at the end of every day in
summer, Merlin eating Black-capped Chickadee in Norway Maple, Eastern
Screech Owl trilling from Ithaca Falls area, Turkey Vulture flybys (way up
high), still waiting for the two Red-headed Woodpeckers to return to
my feeder.

Thank you CBC officers/members who keep the club going and leaders of trips
and presenters at meetings for sharing your time, knowledge, and experience
and thank you to SFO and CLO staff.  Our lives are richer as a result! and
if we are lucky, maybe we'll inspire others to watch and advocate for
conservation.  (I'm happy to say my 21 year old daughter has the birding
bug now!)

 I finally uploaded film footage taken last March of thousands of Snow
Geese landing on Cayuga Lake.  Only a few minutes of the total thirty
minutes or so of the footage was accepted by Youtube, enjoy!

Happy New Year, and I hope to see many of you at the Christmas Bird Count


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