Hi All,

Peak of migration seems to be past us here in the Cayuga Lake basin.  Many
of the species that breed in our local area but migrate substantially
farther south in Central and South America are now gone.  I do still have
some short-distant migrants like Song Sparrow and American Robin hanging
around, and was surprised to see a House Wren yesterday.  Later-migrating
birds like waterfowl, some sparrows, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet are passing
through or over my yard this week.

If you want to follow these migrating birds, please consider joining the
Cayuga Bird Club as we trek to two different trips to Central America.  In
January, we'll be visiting Honduras.  In April, we are off to Costa Rica.
If you want to join us on either of these ventures, please email as soon as

Just to whet your appetite, Cayuga Bird Club member Tracy McLellan did some
sleuthing and reported back these findings...

"I got species lists for Tompkins county and for Honduras from eBird, kept
just the species, and sorted them in various ways.  There are about 189
species in common between the two areas--but that includes rare vagrants
here like brown booby and magnificent frigatebird.  If there were some way
of determining resident species, the number would be lower.  The total of
Tompkins County was 342, and for Honduras was 754.  More than half of the
species seen here are also found in Honduras."

Honduras has beautiful resident birds (Trogons and Quetzals, various birds
with "ant" in the name, loads of hummingbirds, and other cool species, but
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing "our birds of summer" when I was in Honduras a
year ago.

Please join us!

Jody W. Enck, PhD
Conservation Social Scientist, and
Founder of the Sister Bird Club Network


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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