Hi Kristof

We had an example a few years back, with a Co ion leakage off an old Talon
resin necessary for the crystal to grow (until we realized you could just
add Co instead to get crystals to grow).

The ion was used in the end as anomalous scatterer to solve the structure,
and was found bound nicely between two molecules in the crystal.

Guncar et al, Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2007 Mar
1;63(Pt 3):209-13


On 10/12/10 9:17 PM, "Kristof Van Hecke" <kristof.vanhe...@chem.kuleuven.be>

> Dear,
> I was wondering if anybody has experienced before the leakage of Ni-ions (from
> a Ni-NTA column) and additionally binding to specific sites in the protein
> structure..?
> Many thanks
> Regards
> Kristof
> --------------------------------------
> Kristof Van Hecke, PhD
> Biomoleculaire Architectuur
> Celestijnenlaan 200 F
> B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven)
> Tel: +32(0)16327477
> --------------------------------------

Bostjan Kobe
ARC Federation Fellow
Professor of Structural Biology
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
> and Institute for Molecular Bioscience (Division of Chemistry and Structural
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