Could I draw (especially) UK users of STFC facilities (such as Diamond) to
the STFC's proposals and consultation?

Please note the composition of the Science Board and the research interests
of the members, and with this in mind consider the question of the future of
advisory panels.

Facility users might remember the recent "Programmatic Review" and need for
our community to fully inform the STFC of the importance of our work.

I worry that we will be under represented in future discussions about
resources (by "we" I mean macromolecular crystallographers, but this applies
to biological scientists and indeed anyone interested in things smaller than
planets and larger than sub-atomic particles).

The closing date for the consultation is 14 October

best wishes,
Peter Moody,

(PS don't reply to me at this address, I don't always give it the attention
it deserves!)

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