hello everyone, 
I would like to seek your opinion on my crystal hits. I am working on a 

of which the native structure is solved and the all solution statistics are 

fine. I am trying to crystallize and solve the structure of the protein/ssDNA 

complex. I recently got some hits from commercial screens using sitting drop 

vapor diffusion. After crystallization optimization, these crystals diffract 

weakly but to 3.2 Angstroms for the longer exposure time. However, when the 

crystals rotate between 120 degrees to 180 degrees, the spots become streaky

(attached), no matter the crystals are hexagonal or flaky. I have tried to 

determine the structure by molecular replacement method, but the Rwork/Rfree 

values are huge (above 0.5) and can’t be reduced further. I suspect the 

obtained crystals quality and resulting processed statistics is the reason for 

the observed high Rwork/Rfree values. Are there any suggestions?

All comments will be appreciated!

Chenjun Tang

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