A full scholarship for a PhD student to study noroviruses is available 
immediately in the lab of Dr. Grant Hansman at the German Cancer Research 
Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. The scholarship will be awarded for a span 
of four years and is jointly sponsored by DKFZ and the Wiezmann Institute in 

The project will focus on molecular targets important for the development of 
antivirals and offer the PhD student an opportunity to learn and carry out 
experiments to determine the full-length genome sequences from norovirus 
isolates; express the variant capsid genes in insect cells and determine the 
antigenic changes amongst variant viruses; express and crystallize the variant 
RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and capsid P domains in E.coli and 
determine their X-ray crystal structures; compare the histo-blood group antigen 
(HBGA) binding profiles among the variant P domains using X-ray 
crystallography; investigate the enzymatic activities among the variant RdRps; 
develop a virus-tracking system and observe differences between variant VLPs 
and their attachment/ entry to culture cells.

The potential candidate must be interested in understanding structure and 
pathogenicity of noroviruses. Prior experience in X-ray crystallography or 
viruses is a plus but is not a requirement. Interested candidates should 
forward their applications (a brief description of research interests and a CV) 
to Dr. Grant Hansman (g.hans...@dkfz-heidelberg.de) at the German Cancer 
Research Center.    

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