Hello everybody,

I recently tried to feed the shape complementarity program (sc) with GRASP 
surface files for visualisation. Sc is supposed to output modified surface 
files, again, in GRASP format. However, the program terminated without 
producing a file, or, sometimes, writing truncated ones. The GRASP files passed 
the compatibility check of sc. I tested two different pdb files with the 
according GRASP surface files (made with Chimera). 

The first run ended with: "At line 2825 of file 
Fortran runtime error: End of file"

In the second run, I removed all hydrogen atoms before I calculated the surface 
files. Sc showed the following error: " Header information from grasp file 1

 Decoding property list....

 Updated property list is:,gproperty
 Number of vertices=        76375
 Number of triangles=       54697
 Size of grid=                 65
 Midpoint   91.033806   91.542160   89.700684
 vertices read
 accessibles read
 SC:  read error in s/r read_real_line
 SC:  read error in s/r read_real_line
Times: User:       8.3s System:    0.4s Elapsed:     0:09

I can't make head or tail of it, maybe someone else can.
Thanks in advance for any information and advice


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