Dear collegues,

I'm working with a drug complexed protein structure that is having major 
twinning issues. The drug has a single Br atom on a benzene ring, which I'd 
like to use for orienting the drug in the binding site.  I have various 
anomalous data sets, ranging from 3.0A resolution, all scaled into P222 with a 
Rlin of .125. 

Using MR, the twin law (k, h, -l) and NCS restraints, I can confidently solve 
the structure without anomalous, and the drug density is clear in the Fo-Fc 
map, with Rw/Rf at ~.26/.29 and a space group of P21221. It might be important 
to note that any simulated annealing I've tried invariably increases the Rfree 
by 2-3%, so I've scraped it. As you can imagine, when using the twinned data, 
the anomalous maps are weak and random.

I've used the Phenix "detwin" option in Xtriage to see if I can pull the 
anomalous signal out of it. If I use the .mtz file that is output for MR and 
calculate the anomalous maps, it looks promising. The twin fraction for the one 
particular dataset I've been using is estimated at approx .48. Is this too 
close to 50% to do the detwinning? Now I'm wondering how to properly refine 
this further. I'm assuming that since I've "detwinned" the data, I do 
refinement without the twin law. But that gives an initial Rf of .38 when using 
it gives .31.  Since I've already solved the structure without using the 
anomalous flag, can I just use the "detwinned" reflections and the refined 
structure to calculate an anomalous map (without having to redo the refinement)?

Mainly, my main question is about how to tease out and properly refine the 
anomalous data from a twinned structure. Also, how much of a difference will it 
make to scale into P222 versus P21212. And, if I have quite high redundancy, 
should I "scale anomalous" in HKL2000 or just use the "anomalous" flag?

Any help on refining this twinned structure would be greatly appreciated! 

PhD Student

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