Rhine-Knee Regiomeeting 2018 on Structural Biology, Emmetten, Switzerland


Emmetten, Switzerland
Sep. 26-28, 2018

The 32nd Rhine-Knee Regional Meeting on Structural Biology will take place in 
the heart of Switzerland in Emmetten from September 26 to 28. The venue is the 
Seeblick Höhenhotel (http://www.hotelseeblick.ch<http://www.hotelseeblick.ch/>).

The scientific program includes the 3 keynote speakers:
- Prof. Phil Willmott, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Dr Arjen Jakobi, TU Delft, Netherland
- Dr. Andy Doré, Heptares Therapeutics, UK

Young researchers who wish to give a presentation are strongly encouraged to 
emphasize the technical and methodological aspects of their work as well as 
encountered problems.

The traditional excursion on the Thursday afternoon will propose a boat ride on 
the lake Lucerne (Vierwaldstättersee) and a hike in one of the most famous 
place in Switzerland, the Rütli meadow.

The meeting will be limited to 100 participants.
The deadline for abstract submission and registration is September 7, 2018.

We thank our sponsors<http://regiomeeting.eu/meeting-2018/sponsors> for making 
this event possible.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who may be interested 
in participating.
Looking forward to seeing you in September in Emmetten,

Vincent Olieric

Paul Scherrer Institute
Dr. Vincent Olieric

Swiss Light Source
5232 Villigen PSI

+41 (0)56 310 5233


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