Dear all,

At EMBL Hamburg, we have two job and fellowship opportunities in the area of 
structural modeling of large protein complexes based on cryo-EM and other data. 

1) Scientific Technical Officer to develop and apply computational methods for 
modeling based on electron microscopy and other data, with the particular focus 
on using recent Artificial Intelligence-based modeling tools like AlphaFold and 
RoseTTAfold. Three years contract with possibility of extension.
Closing date: 21 November 2021, Apply here 

2) A software engineer willing to apply for the ARISE fellowship 
<>, which trains 
scientists & engineers for careers in research infrastructures. The work would 
focus on developing software that could become structural biology services in 
the future. Three years contract.
Closing date: 30 November 2021, Apply here 

Please check more about our lab <>, our 
publications <>, and more 
details of the job opportunities 

We offer access to superb computational infrastructure, experimental data from 
electron microscopy and other techniques, competitive salaries, and excellent 
working conditions.

Best regards,
Jan Kosinski
Group leader at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Hamburg
Joint appointment Structural and Computational Biology Unit EMBL Heidelberg
Group leader at Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

c/o DESY, Building 15 (CSSB), Room 02.247
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)40 8998-87573 <>
Twitter: @jankosinski

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