Dear All,


Here are the main suggestions I received. I'm going to try them all.


Many many thanks for your help.







Possible solutions:


1. Maybe adding the cryo to the crystallization already?

2. 2R3R-Butandiol is the best cryo as being used in very low amounts. 10% are 
typically enough.

3. Put a small droplet of paratone-N next to your drop such that they 

touch and then drag the crystal into the oil and take care to remove the water 
from around 

it (the buble aorund it within the oil) and freeze. When draggin into oil go 
loop first such that 

the loop plows the way a bit (or some part of it) mechanical sress can be a 
problem due to 

the viscosity, but otherwise it often works, though not always.. 


4. 2M amm sulfate might be quite enough if you do the transfer and dipping 


5. other option is to add salt. e.g LiSO4 should be good cryoprotectant (see 

at high conc. 

6. Have you tried with ethylene glycol for example?


7. Maybe you do not need any cryoprotectant and crystals mountd in small loops
will freeze just fine straight out of your drops...

8. Under what conditions did the crystals grow? If its sodium acetate and 
ammonium sulphate I would try adding sodium malonate as a cryo 
protectant (with 2-2.3M ammonium sulphate adding 0.6-0.8M Na malonate 
should be sufficient) or increasing the ammonium sulphate concentration.


Claudia Scotti Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale Sezione di Patologia 
Generale Universita' di Pavia Piazza Botta, 10 27100 Pavia Italia Tel. 0039 
0382 986335/8/1 Facs 0039 0382 303673


Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Freezing under oil
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:52:03 +0000

Could you try using ammonium sulfate as your cryoprotectant? What happens if 
you slowly increase the concentration over time to >3M, followed by flash 

What about other cryos, like ethylene glycol?


Lauren Jackson, PhD

On 4 Feb 2010, at 09:54, Claudia Scotti wrote:

Dear list,
I'm trying to freeze crystals in cryoconditions containing the following:
0.1 M Sodium acetate pH 4.4
2.15-2.3 M Ammonium sulphate
7% n-butanol
15% glycerol
The problem is that the crystals (beautiful hexagonal prisms) seem to shatter 
in a random fashion: some are unaffected, some, coming from the same drop, 
disgregate miserably. One even split into three parts, of which two disgregated 
and one survived perfectly well.
I've tried both by moving the crystals directly in the cryocondition and by 
progressively increasing the glycerol concentration to no avail.
Shall I just select those that survive?
I was wondering if anybody has ever had this same problem and if freezing under 
oil could be an alternative. If yes: any suggestions on how to fish the 
crystals? I tried it in the past, but I found it very difficult...
Experiences and suggestions are welcome.

Claudia Scotti Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale Sezione di Patologia 
Generale Universita' di Pavia Piazza Botta, 10 27100 Pavia Italia Tel. 0039 
0382 986335/8/1 Facs 0039 0382 303673

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