Dear all

Those of you who are travelling to Melbourne for the IUCr Congress and General 
Assembly in August may be interested in this (which finishes in time to get to 
the opening ceremony of the main Congress). 

To get an idea of the content of the workshop, you may wish to look at tetails 
of previous events held by the IUCr Commission for Crystallographic Computing 
which are are available here - 



> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Lutz, M.H. (Martin)" <>
> Subject: Crystallographic Computing School
> Date: 23 March 2023 at 10:07:01 GMT
> To: "Lutz, M.H. (Martin)" <>
> Dear colleagues,
> as programmers and software developers you may be interested in the 
> Crystallographic Computing School. This is a satellite to the IUCr congress 
> and will take place from 19-Aug to 22-Aug-2023 at the Australian synchrotron 
> in Melbourne. We have a list of very interesting topics and great speakers. 
> Registration is now open.
> <>
> Best wishes,
> Martin
> --
> Martin Lutz
> Structural Biochemistry
> Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research
> Faculty of Science
> Utrecht University
> Universiteitsweg 99
> 3584 CG Utrecht
> The Netherlands
> Tel. [+31] 06-22735980
>  <>


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