Since Sacha is having trouble posting directly the list I will forward his latest message since It addresses my second set of questions:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alexandre OURJOUMTSEV <>

Thank you, Richard, for your questions !

Unfortunately, I failed to pass my mail to the CCP4bb - I discovered that I changed my e-mail address and completely forgot to update my CCP4 subscription ! I asked Pavel Afonine re-send my mail from his address.

Coming to your last questions :

- yes, eventually the sharper the map signal, the larger amount of low-resolution 'long and low' waves you can take off keeping yet the signal in the map; however, I do not have particular numbers .

- yes, in the 1991-year paper there is an example how low- resolution data can be restored from the higher-resolution ones (but still having experimental data is much better that go to a risky business of data recovering)

- I am not completely sure if the strongest data are always the lowest resolution one; I think due to the bulk-solvent contribution this is not always the case (I recall the paper by Phillips, 1980 - I think at his plot <Fobs> goes down near the origin).

- yes, having the magnitudes for the whole CONTINUOUS Fourier transform (that means NOT from a crystal but from an aperiodic object) allows one (in theory) to recover unambiguously the phases, that people like Millane, Saxton et all try to do.

I hope this helps.

Be well !


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