Dear all - please *help us help you*:

 * Some of you have used and even liked Diamond's XChem facility for
   crystal-based fragments screening.

 * Some of you have wanted to use it but didn't know how or didn't get

 * Lots and lots of you hope your crystallography will turn into
   chemical biology and drug discovery.

If you're one of those: *s*how your support for a lighting-fast XChem beamline in Diamond-II:

1. Dial in to the webinar next Monday 4pm (/details below/)
2. Sign up to the Interest Group (/here
   linked below/)
3. Drop us statements of support (in this form
   or linked from here
4. Retweet this

Diamond-II is planning to upgrade and reinvent, by mid-2027; this includes new and upgraded beamlines - and rebuilding I04-1 as K04.  It should increase XChem throughput up to 15x, which means far bigger XChem fragment screens for far more of your projects, and (we conclude) far more of your chemical biology and drug discovery, much accelerated (e.g. this <>).

We're about to submit the science case - and we're seeking as many statements of support as possible.

Please spread the word:  circulate to all your colleagues in chemistry and drug design and chemical biology - in fact, this touches so many discplines, you can probably send to just about everybody you work with...

Thank you for your help!

Prof Frank von Delft
Professor for Structural Chemical Biology
Principal Beamline Scientist: I04-1/XChem
Diamond Light Source

Principal Investigator: Protein Crystallography
Centre for Medicines Discovery
Oxford University

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Diamond-II Webinar: K04 Beamline Rebuild for Ultra-XChem
Date:   Mon, 9 Nov 2020 09:54:39 +0000
From:   Diamond Communications <>
Reply-To:       Diamond Communications <>

 Diamond-II Webinar: K04 Beamline Rebuild for Ultra-XChem

*Monday 16th November 2020, 16:00-17:00
Click here to visit the event page <>*

Dear Colleagues,

Structural and chemical biologists and medicinal chemists are warmly invited to this webinar, which will describe the rebuilding of beamline I04-1 as K04 for Diamond-II. The project will achieve ultra-high throughput XChem fragment screening and thereby help drive routine and rapid pre-clinical impact in structure-based drug discovery and chemical biology. Diamond-II <>is a coordinated programme of development that includes a major upgrade of the storage ring to deliver low emittance at higher energy, along with a range of rebuilt and enhanced beamlines. The K04/XChem project is part of a transformational change for the MX and XChem communities, and attendance and feedback are highly encouraged.

*Proposal background*
The K04/XChem flagship builds on the success and oversubscription of the XChem fragment screening facility <>, developed in tandem with the evolution of beamline I04-1. The facility provides a world-unique offering for structure-based drug design, and is in heavy academic and industrial demand, with the resilience to support significant COVID <>work <> during lockdown.

The Diamond-II machine configuration necessitates removing beamline I04-1, providing the opportunity to rebuild it on the new K04 straight, delivering a beamline of vastly increased flux and brilliance, along with extreme automation. The resulting order-of-magnitude increase in throughput will fundamentally shift the scientific scope of crystallographic fragment screening. On the one hand, a far larger range of classes of drug targets will become viable, even when diffraction is weak. On the other hand, routinely large experiments will help achieve the coming revolution in rational drug discovery, by allowing all key interactions and conformations to be observed in 3D up front, providing the raw data that future algorithms will be able to exploit to design clinic-ready drug candidates from scratch

*User community input & webinar*
In order to provide you with more detail about the K04 beamline rebuild and its future Ultra-XChem capabilities, we have organised a webinar on *Monday 16th November 2020, 16:00-17:00 (GMT) *and encourage you to attend and to save the date in your calendar, along with the link and passcode to join:

*Link to join: **_ <>_
Passcode: *902594

For more details, visit the event page here <>.

In addition, if you are interested in keeping up to date on the K04/XChem User Working Group progress and would like to receive updates by email, please sign up to our *K04/XChem Flagship Interest Group* *by filling out this short form* <>.

We look forward to your participation and hearing your feedback on this exciting initiative.

Best wishes,
Diamond-II K04/XChem User Working Group

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