Dear All

A biennial award<> has been set 
up in memory of Ivano Bertini, who pioneered innovative methodologies in the 
field of NMR and championed technology integration as a foundation for 
correlative structural biology. The award recognises scientists who have 
undertaken frontier research utilising an integrative structural biology 
approach which aligns with the Instruct vision.

Nominations are invited for the Ivano Bertini Award 2019 for a significant 
achievement in any area of the biological sciences. Nominations must be 
submitted by 5pm (CET) 28th December 2018. Self nominations are not accepted.

The award will be given solely on the basis of excellence in research and must 
include structural data as a key component of the research achievement. The 
award recognises a clearly defined breakthrough (either in scientific knowledge 
or technology development) and is not for a lifetime achievement.

Eligible nominees:

Individual researchers whose work is conducted within European Member states or 
Third countries<> in the last 5 
years (1st June 2013 to 31st May 2018).


A nomination must be supported by three Instruct members and must include:

1. A completed nomination form can be found on our Biennial 

2. CV of the proposed candidate

3. Statement (<150 words) from each of the three proposers indicating why the 
candidate should be considered for the award

Any Registered Instruct member (with an authorised login to the Instruct 
website<> is invited to submit 
nominations for this Award.

Selection of the Awardee:

A committee will be responsible for selecting the awardee from the nominees. 
Instruct Members of the Selection Committee will be nominated by the Instruct 
Executive Committee, comprising three members of the Instruct Executive 
Committee, two external scientists from the international Instruct review 
panel, and a member of the Instruct Independent Scientific Advisory Board. One 
additional Selection Committee member will be nominated by Industry

The award will be announced at the Instruct Biennial Structural Biology 
Conference 2019.

Awardees receive an unrestricted grant of €15000, a personalised certificate 
and will deliver a lecture at the Instruct Conference in Alcalá de Henares 2019.

Please note my new email address

Dr Claudia Alen Amaro
Scientific Project Manager
Oxford House
Parkway Court
John Smith Drive
Tel:+44 1865987629
Follow us on twitter @instructhub


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