Hi all,

We have an exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral research scientist to study 
the physical properties of viral enzymes that allow them to evolve resistance 
to anti-viral drugs. This project will use advanced computation biology 
approaches, enzymology and structural biology to define structurally invariant 
regions of the SARS-CoV-2 MPro protease. This will inform the design of future 
therapies that reduce/prevent the evolution of drug resistance and may 
illuminate how evolution of resistance mutations will affect the potency of 
MPro drugs already in clinical trials. This project is a collaboration between 
the University of Cambridge (UK) and Rhodes University (South Africa), funded 
by the Novo Nordisk Foundation as part of the Pandemic Antiviral Discovery 
(PAD) initiative (see 

The successful candidate will be based in my lab within the Virology Division, 
Department of Pathology, on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus - Europe's largest 
biomedical research centre. Cambridge is a great place to work: we have access 
to shiny instruments for modern biophysical and structural research, we have 
regular data collection time at Diamond Light Source, there are lots of smart 
people who you can talk science with, there are old buildings where you can 
dress up in funny gowns to have dinner in wood-panelled rooms, and it's small 
enough that you can either walk or cycle to most places you need to be. There's 
even a river running through it with cows grazing on the banks. If you are a 
biochemists/enzymologist/structural biologist who wants to work with an 
international multidisciplinary team to address fundamental research questions 
with direct relevance to human health and pandemic preparedness, we want to 
hear from you!

Full details of the post and how to apply can be found at 
https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/42708/. Please note that you must apply through 
the website - applications emailed to me can't be considered but I am happy to 
answer any specific questions you might have.



Prof. Stephen Graham
School of Biological Sciences Theme Leader: Infection and Immunity
Department of Pathology
University of Cambridge
Tennis Court Road
Cambridge CB2 1QP


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