Software Engineer
Protein Crystallography Beamlines at SLS
Your tasks
Within a small international software development team you are expected to 
develop software for the Generic Data Acquisition (GDA) framework 
( It is also your task to support the team in adapting this 
framework, which has been developed at the Diamond Light Source, UK, for the 
use at the SLS Protein Crystallography beamlines. The GDA framework is based on 
Java client/server technology, using RMI, Jython, Eclipse RCP and other 
technologies. The development platform is Eclipse Helios on Scientific Linux 
Your profile
You have a degree in computer science or software engineering and at least 5 
years of work experience with heterogeneous systems. You have worked with Linux 
or UNIX systems and programmed applications in Java, Python, C/C++ or 
equivalent OO languages. UML, iterative software development processes and test 
concepts are well known to you. Knowledge of scientific beamline 
instrumentation software (e.g. EPICS) is an advantage.

You should enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, multinational research 
environment, in a team of engineers and scientists and feel comfortable in 
complex technical projects and environments. You like to interact with your 
team members as well as the users of your applications. You have good 
communication skills and are fluent in English.

For further information please contact Dr Meitian Wang, phone +41 56 310 41 75 
or Dr Ezequiel Panepucci, phone +41 56 310 52 67.

Please submit your application online for the position as Software Engineer 
(index no. 6112-07) -

Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources, Elke Baumann, 5232 Villigen PSI, 

Meitian Wang
Swiss Light Source at Paul Scherrer Institut
CH-5232 Villigen PSI -
Phone: +41 56 310 4175
Fax:     +41 56 310 5292 

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