We are delighted to offer two new components available for beta testing on
our PDBe entry pages: the ProtVista sequence component on the PDBe
macromolecules pages and the LigEnv component on the ligands and
environments pages.


The ProtVista sequence view component has replaced our previous sequence
viewer on the PDBe macromolecules pages to help users interactively view
sequence-related data alongside topology and 3D structure. This allows the
display of much more data than was possible through our previous sequence
viewer. Try the ProtVista component on our macromolecules page at


The LigEnv component is a new, interactive component displaying views of
ligand binding sites and will replace the static LigPlot image on our
ligands and environments pages. The viewer displays atomic-level
interactions between ligands and macromolecular binding sites and interacts
with an adjacent Mol* 3D viewer, allowing you to easily highlight key
binding residues in the 3D structure. Try the new LigEnv component on our
ligands and environments page at


Links to provide feedback are available in the green section at the bottom
of each page. 


Kind Regards,






John Berrisford


European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus


Cambridge CB10 1SD UK

Tel: +44 1223 492529







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