Two MRC-funded PhD studentships are available in the laboratory of Richard 
Bayliss at the University of Leicester starting in October 2013. The Department 
of Biochemistry provides an outstanding environment in research training in 
structural biology and structure-based drug design and state-of-the-art 
facilities for X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and biophysics. 

1) MRC Cancer Theme Award
Title: Targetting centrosome declustering in haematological cancers 
Co-supervisors: Prof. Andrew Fry (Biochemistry) and Prof. Martin Dyer (Cancer 
Further details:

2) MRC Industrial CASE Award
Title: Fragment-based approaches to allosteric kinase inhibitors and 
protein-protein interaction inhibitors
Co-supervisor: Dr Andy Merritt at MRC-Technology Centre for Therapeutics 
Further details:

Note that these studentships are available only to British students or those 
with strong UK links and residency, as per MRC guidelines. Applications must be 
made online, preferably by February 22nd. 

Dr Richard Bayliss, Reader in Structural Biology
Department of Biochemistry
Henry Wellcome Building
University of Leicester
Lancaster Road, Leicester

Tel: 0116 2297100

Elite Without Being Elitist
Times Higher Awards Winner 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
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