On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Dirk Kostrewa

> this is very interesting! From the list of changes, it appears that in
> version 1.6.1, you use a similar idea to implement hydrogen bonds via DSSP
> during refinement that I used to stabilize the 4.3 A refinement of Pol II in
> complex with TFIIB [1]:
> . . .
> Could you please give more details of how this is implemented? What are
> your hydrogen bond target distances and sigmas? Do you update this list
> during refinement?

We're still testing this method (thus "alpha version" in Paul's email); my
initial experiments indicate that it may improve R-free by up to 0.5% at
moderate resolution, and generally keeps R-work and R-free closer than would
otherwise be the case.  It can also make R-free worse, although I think this
happens less frequently.  I had expected this to be resolution-dependent,
but I tried it on partially built structures at either 2.25A and 3.1A and
the results looked similar.  Part of the problem is deciding how to filter
outliers; the default behavior is to throw out any "bonds" greater than a
specified threshold (e.g. 2.5A for H-O).  KSDSSP (UCSF's free clone) has
some quirks with respect to helix assignment which result in incorrect
bonding if you take the results as-is without filtering.  However, for poor
models at low resolution, leaving the outliers in may be essential.

All of the restraint parameters are adjustable, but I found that 1.975A for
H-O was appropriate, and I left the sigma at 0.05 but 0.02 is sometimes
better.  We don't update the bonds during refinement, but I suppose we could
- haven't done enough testing yet to know whether this is helpful.

I used a simple list of additional 2.9 A target-"bond"-distances between N
> and O with a target sigma of 0.05 A. This list was determined with DSSP and
> a self-made Fortran95 program using a user-defined "energy-threshold" prior
> to refinement and was kept constant during refinement.

Currently PHENIX uses a 3.0A distance for N-O (sigma also 0.05), but that
wasn't rigorously derived.

My gut feeling is that N-O "bonds" are problematic, partly because the
distribution of distances (in the Richardson lab's Top500 database) appears
to be bimodal - I think this results from the difference between parallel
and anti-parallel sheets.  We probably need to account for this when
calculating the bonds.  I also found that the restraints usually improved
R-free more when hydrogens were used, but I haven't tried anything close to
a 4.3A structure yet.  At that resolution, anything that keeps the helices
wound probably helps.

I hadn't realized that you used similar restraints in the PolII/TFIIB paper
- I'd be interested in knowing more about this, since I haven't found many
useful references so far.  (I couldn't find the page on the BUSTER wiki, by
the way.)

Personally, I think, using secondary structure hydrogen bonds should be an
> option in every refinement program, especially at lower resolution!!! The
> BUSTER Wiki describes the procedure that I used. For REFMAC, I haven't seen
> anything similar, yet.

If you don't mind using PHENIX for this:

phenix.secondary_structure_restraints model.pdb format=refmac

I haven't made it as far as testing the output with REFMAC, but it's there
if anyone wants to try.  FYI, the program is still clumsy about switching to
N-O bonds when hydrogens are absent, so the argument
"h_bond_restraints.substitute_n_for_h=True" may be necessary.


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