Re: [ccp4bb] Freezing crystal

2012-02-05 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi Theresa,
Once I had crystals in 3.5 M Amm. Sulfate. I used Paraffin oil and
Paraton-N-oil (in 1:1 ratio). I also used 30% Xylatol.


On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Theresa H. Hsu wrote:

 Hi all

 Is there a list of conditions to be tried *first* for cryoprotectant? My
 crystals diffract at room temperature capillary but no in 30% PEG 400.
 Crystals are from 2 M ammonium sulfate.

 Thank you.


[ccp4bb] JLigand: Handedness related issue

2011-07-21 Thread Vineet Gaur
Dear all,
I am trying to generate a cif file for a new ligand (a sugar derivative)
using JLigand. The ligand needs to be in D- configuration. However, after
I input the coordinates for this ligand into J ligand and carry out geometry
regularisation, the program automatically converts D configuration to L. Had
anyone encountered similar kind of problem while working with JLigand and
how can I tackle this issue?

I am using JLigand since I have to define a covalent link between the ligand
and the mocromolecule later during the refinement. Is there any other
program other than Jligand (or Prodrg server) which I can use for generating
the cif file and defining the link?

Vineet Gaur

[ccp4bb] JLigand: Handedness related issue

2011-07-21 Thread Vineet Gaur
Dear all,

I am trying to generate a cif file for a new ligand (a sugar derivative)
using JLigand. The ligand needs to be in D- configuration. However, after
I input the coordinates for this ligand into J ligand and carry out geometry
regularisation, the program automatically converts D configuration to L. Had
anyone encountered similar kind of problem while working with JLigand and
how can I tackle this issue?

I am using JLigand since I have to define a covalent link between the ligand
and the mocromolecule later during the refinement. Is there any other
program other than Jligand (or Prodrg server) which I can use for generating
the cif file and defining the link?

Vineet Gaur

Re: [ccp4bb] Beginning crystallography text

2010-07-10 Thread Vineet Gaur

I found Crystal, X-rays and Proteins by Dennis Sherwood very helpful in
understanding the basic concepts of crystallography. However, it seems that
the book is out of print. It would be great, If anyone here is having an
E-copy of this book and can share with us.



Re: [ccp4bb] molecular replacement

2010-05-21 Thread Vineet Gaur
Also check if you have correctly estimated no. of molecules in asymmetric

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Dear  intekhab,

 a few suggestions:
 - are you sure of the space group or might there be alternatives?
 - is you protein globular or modular, i.e., is it worth running MR with
  subdomains one after the other?
 - try a poly-alanine model (e.g. chainsaw can do this for you, pdbset
 - did you get overloads? If so, collect a low resolution pass to get
  intensities even at the poor resolution end.
 - what is your low resolution limit? Did you use the default or could you
 - did your crystal(s) suffer from radiation damage? It might be worth
  only a complete data set with not too high multiplicity.

 Good luck, Tim

 On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 08:01:10PM +0900, intekhab alam wrote:
  Hi all
  I am trying to do molecular replacement with low resolution (4Å) using
  Molrep and Phaser.
  Overall R-factor is 11.3%, completeness 95.4%, I/sigma 2, and Chi^2 0.95.
  Identities between my protein and templates were more than 80%.
  I couldn’t get correct solution.
  Rotation function, translation score, and contrast were low, and they had
  significance, though I changed the range of resolution.
  Molrep suggested solution coordinates clashed with symmetry molecules.
  I tried MR after remove clashed regions, but another clashes happened.
  In the case of phaser, there were many clashes, too.
  Please, give me any suggestion.
  Should I concern about any options when I run MR programs?
  Hope you guys will be interested to answer!!
  Thanks in advance

 Tim Gruene
 Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
 Tammannstr. 4
 D-37077 Goettingen

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[ccp4bb] composite omit map calculation

2009-01-12 Thread Vineet Gaur
  Hi All,
Sorry for a non CCP4 querry.
 I am using CNS for composite omit map calculations. the structure is having
a ligand for which parameter and topology files have been generated using
PRODRG server. however while running composite_omit_map.inp i m getting the
following torsion topology error (where chain D is the ligand):

ERROR: There are no suitable base groups.
   This problem can be caused by isolated
   bonding networks with undefined or weak
   dihedral force constants.
   The atoms that cannot be placed in a tree
   are listed below:
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O4
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C4
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C3
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O3
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C2
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O2
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C1
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O1
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C7
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O5
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C5
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -C6
%atoms D   -242 -AMG -O6
 %TORSION:TOPOLOGY error encountered: Fatal Topology Error
   (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
 ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
 Program will stop immediately.

topology and parameter files have been attached to this posting.

Kindly suggest if there is any problem with topology or parameter file or i
am missing on something else.

with best regards

Vineet Gaur

Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

[ccp4bb] .cif file

2008-01-22 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi all
I am using COOT for model building and refinement.
i have to introducea ligand in my model
i have downloaded .cif file from RCSB.
However while importing the cif file i m getting the warning message of
having No restraints in the CIF file

is there any problem in the format of the following cif file

_chem_comp.idSPM  SPERMINE
_chem_comp.type  NON-POLYMER
_chem_comp.pdbx_type HETAI
_chem_comp.formula   C10 H26 N4
_chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id   ?
_chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms ?
_chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date 1999-07-08
_chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag   N
_chem_comp.pdbx_release_status   REL
_chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by  ?
_chem_comp.pdbx_replaces ?
_chem_comp.one_letter_code   ?
_chem_comp.three_letter_code SPM
_chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_missing_flag   N
_chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_missing_flag   N
_chem_comp.pdbx_processing_site  ?
SPM N1   N1   N 0 1 N N N -1.386 5.560  25.140 -0.292 0.012  7.961  1
SPM C2   C2   C 0 1 N N N -2.248 4.344  25.282 0.514  -0.023 6.734  2
SPM C3   C3   C 0 1 N N N -1.844 3.214  24.376 -0.408 0.014  5.515  3
SPM C4   C4   C 0 1 N N N -2.834 2.063  24.495 0.432  -0.022 4.237  4
SPM N5   N5   N 0 1 N N N -2.313 0.871  23.720 -0.453 0.013  3.066  5
SPM C6   C6   C 0 1 N N N -3.235 -0.310 23.760 0.411  -0.024 1.880  6
SPM C7   C7   C 0 1 N N N -2.669 -1.391 22.871 -0.451 0.011  0.617  7
SPM C8   C8   C 0 1 N N N -3.306 -2.753 23.219 0.450  -0.028 -0.617 8
SPM C9   C9   C 0 1 N N N -2.886 -3.777 22.188 -0.412 0.006  -1.880 9
SPM N10  N10  N 0 1 N N N -3.212 -5.172 22.585 0.453  -0.031 -3.066 10
SPM C11  C11  C 0 1 N N N -2.084 -5.778 23.391 -0.433 0.005  -4.237 11
SPM C12  C12  C 0 1 N N N -2.443 -7.162 23.912 0.407  -0.032 -5.515 12
SPM C13  C13  C 0 1 N N N -1.448 -8.158 23.367 -0.515 0.005  -6.734 13
SPM N14  N14  N 0 1 N N N -0.553 -8.726 24.427 0.292  -0.029 -7.961 14
SPM HN11 1HN1 H 0 0 N N N -1.660 6.326  25.754 -0.739 0.916  7.988  15
SPM HN12 2HN1 H 0 0 N N N -1.355 5.869  24.168 0.354  -0.014 8.735  16
SPM H21  1H2  H 0 1 N N N -2.281 4.005  26.343 1.181  0.838  6.713  17
SPM H22  2H2  H 0 1 N N N -3.322 4.602  25.135 1.105  -0.939 6.715  18
SPM H31  1H3  H 0 1 N N N -1.722 3.550  23.320 -1.074 -0.847 5.536  19
SPM H32  2H3  H 0 1 N N N -0.796 2.883  24.565 -0.999 0.930  5.534  20
SPM H41  1H4  H 0 1 N N N -3.061 1.809  25.556 1.098  0.839  4.215  21
SPM H42  2H4  H 0 1 N N N -3.862 2.355  24.178 1.023  -0.938 4.217  22
SPM HN5  HN5  H 0 1 N N N -1.378 0.612  24.037 -0.976 -0.849 3.071  23
SPM H61  1H6  H 0 1 N N N -3.427 -0.667 24.798 1.078  0.838  1.889  24
SPM H62  2H6  H 0 1 N N N -4.284 -0.042 23.493 1.002  -0.940 1.891  25
SPM H71  1H7  H 0 1 N N N -2.780 -1.142 21.789 -1.117 -0.851 0.608  26
SPM H72  2H7  H 0 1 N N N -1.555 -1.427 22.916 -1.042 0.927  0.607  27
SPM H81  1H8  H 0 1 N N N -3.068 -3.077 24.258 1.117  0.833  -0.608 28
SPM H82  2H8  H 0 1 N N N -4.414 -2.687 23.323 1.041  -0.944 -0.607 29
SPM H91  1H9  H 0 1 N N N -3.319 -3.536 21.189 -1.079 -0.855 -1.889 30
SPM H92  2H9  H 0 1 N N N -1.802 -3.675 21.945 -1.003 0.922  -1.891 31
SPM HN0  HN0  H 0 1 N N N -3.451 -5.748 21.778 0.976  0.831  -3.071 32
SPM H111 1H11 H 0 0 N N N -1.133 -5.797 22.808 -1.099 -0.857 -4.215 33
SPM H112 2H11 H 0 0 N N N -1.767 -5.101 24.219 -1.023 0.921  -4.217 34
SPM H121 1H12 H 0 0 N N N -2.512 -7.194 25.024 1.074  0.830  -5.536 35
SPM H122 2H12 H 0 0 N N N -3.497 -7.443 23.683 0.998  -0.948 -5.534 36
SPM H131 1H13 H 0 0 N N N -1.964 -8.969 22.803 -1.181 -0.856 -6.713 37
SPM H132 2H13 H 0 0 N N N -0.851 -7.712 22.537 -1.105 0.921  -6.714 38
SPM HN41 1HN4 H 0 0 N N N 0.119  -9.398 24.058 -0.354 -0.003 -8.735 39
SPM HN42 2HN4 H 0 0 N N N -1.099 -9.133 25.186 0.814  0.833  -7.990 40

[ccp4bb] coot: Show Symmetry

2007-12-03 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi All
i want to display symmetry molecules in COOT, but regularly getting the
following warning:
There are no model molecules that can display symmetry (Cryst1 problem).

How to troubleshoot this Cryst1 problem

thanks in advance

Vineet gaur

[ccp4bb] assigning water molecules to monomers

2007-10-03 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi All

i am solving a structure with four molecules in asymmetric unit. Initially i
was refining the structure with four fold NCS, which now i have removed. i
have picked some of the water molecules after removing the NCS. now i m
facing the problem of assigning these water molecules to individual protein
monomers. is there any program available by which i can identify the water
molecules w.r.t protein monomers.

thanks in advance

Vineet Gaur

[ccp4bb] alternate confirmations of residues

2007-09-24 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi all

Sorry for a non CCP4 question.
I m using CNS for structure refinement. The structure is having few residues
in alternate confirmations. i can see the density for those alternate
confirmations. i m defining those alternate confirmations in the pdb but
while generating the topology file, the information of alternate
confirmations is getting lost. how can i define the alternate confirmations
in generate.inp n minimize.inp.

the way i m defining the alternate confirmations in pdb :

ATOM   6101  1N   LYS D  9383.029  39.489  93.510  0.50 42.90DN

ATOM   6101  2N   LYS D  9383.028  39.495  93.498  0.50 42.90DN

ATOM   6102  1CA LYS D  9382.366  40.672  93.101  0.50 41.09DC
ATOM   6102  2CA LYS D  9382.391  40.686  93.075  0.50 41.09DC
ATOM   6103  1CB LYS D  9383.019  41.834  93.797  0.50 41.27DC
ATOM   6103  2CB LYS D  9383.119  41.836  93.691  0.50 41.27DC
ATOM   6104  1CG LYS D  9382.331  42.627  94.824  0.50 43.61DC
ATOM   6104  2CG LYS D  9382.419  42.747  94.517  0.50 43.61DC
ATOM   6105  1CD LYS D  9381.797  42.040  96.162  0.50 43.24DC
ATOM   6105  2CD LYS D  9382.004  42.209  95.769  0.50 43.24DC
ATOM   6106  1CE LYS D  9382.265  40.647  96.659  0.50 43.68DC
ATOM   6106  2CE LYS D  9380.982  43.099  96.495  0.50 43.68DC
ATOM   6107  1NZ LYS D  9382.884  40.390  97.999  0.50 43.36DN
ATOM   6107  2NZ LYS D  9380.832  44.665  96.562  0.50 43.36DN
ATOM   6108  1C   LYS D  9382.478  40.825  91.578  0.50 39.28DC

ATOM   6108  2C   LYS D  9382.477  40.826  91.567  0.50 39.28DC

ATOM   6109  1O   LYS D  9382.412  41.847  91.106  0.50 38.72DO

ATOM   6109  2O   LYS D  9382.408  41.844  91.093  0.50 38.72DO

Thanks in advance

vineet gaur

[ccp4bb] calculating molecular dimensions

2007-09-23 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi All

is there any programme available that can calculate the parameters like
length of longest and shortest axis passing through the center of mass of a
protein mlecule

thanx in advance

vineet gaur

[ccp4bb] REFMAC and Hetroatoms

2007-09-18 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi all

i am having Ca2+ and Cl- as hetroatoms in my protein structure. while doing
refinement with REFMAC i m getting following warnings:

 I am reading library. Please wait.
  WARNING : residue: CA994  chain:XX
different element name: file:C dict:CA  
  WARNING : residue: CL995  chain:Xa
different element name: file:C dict:CA 

how can i rectify this problem

thanx in advance

vineet gaur

[ccp4bb] Rfree and unaccounted density

2007-09-03 Thread Vineet Gaur
Hi all

i m solving a structure at 2.2 A using MIR. rt now my Rfree is 30.55% and
Rcryst is 28.51%. i have already carried out B factor refinement n water has
also been picked up to 2.3 sigma cut off. now i m not able to refine the
structure any further.

The protein has been purified directly from the source. At this pt of
refinement i m able to see lot of unaccounted densities, far bigger to b
accounted by water or sugar, as we don't have any information abt the
possible molecules that can interact with this protein.
is this unaccounted density be the reason why i m not able to refine the

thanx in advance

Vineet Gaur

[ccp4bb] intel Xeon vs AMD Opteron for crystallographic applications

2007-05-14 Thread Vineet Gaur

Hi all

we r planning to upgrade hardware in the lab. just curious to know weather
anybody has tested a dual core xeon vs dual core opteron for standard
crystallographic applications. Also wanted to know weather programs compiled
on a xeon will have problems executing on an opteron.



[ccp4bb] TFT monitors n stereo

2007-04-30 Thread Vineet Gaur

Hi all
i have a non CCP4 query.
pls tell me how to view stereo images on a TFT monitor.


vineet gaur