Dear CCP4 Users,

A CCP4 update, the last one in 2012, has just been released, consisting of the 
following changes:

* QtRView: Stability fixes and improved user experience of dynamically changing 
report pages
* CCP4 Update: Technical modifications to ccp4-6.3.0 in order to complete the 
changes introduced in update No 11
* Crank: Bug fixes in module mapro.exe (Windows only)

If you do not currently receive updates, consider re-installing your CCP4 setup 
using latest binary packages, which now have CCP4 Update manager (ccp4um) 

Note that auto-updates will work correctly only with CCP4 release 6.3.0, 
therefore upgrade if necessary. Please report any bugs to<>.

Many thanks for using CCP4.

CCP4 Core Team wishes you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!


Eugene Krissinel & Andrey Lebedev

Scanned by iCritical.

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