*Extended registration deadline*

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce our 2-dayspractical workshop on */Approaches for in cellulo structural biology with X-rays /*from *May **16^th **to **17**^th **2022*in Hamburg, Germany.

The workshop will provide practical on-site training on the followingresearch topics and technical approaches:

 * Eukaryotic cell systems for applications in structural biology
 * Intracellular protein folding and crystallization
 * Detection and characterization of protein crystals
 * Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) techniques for
   applications in structural biology
 * Present and future opportunities in advanced X-ray crystallography
 * Sample delivery techniques for X-ray data experiments

The training will be carried out at the relevant infrastructures operated by the *European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)* on the DESY Hamburg-Bahrenfeld research campus and by the *European X-ray Free Electron Laser in Schenefeld*, near Hamburg.

Application for the workshop isopen here <https://indico.embl-hamburg.de/event/7/> and the *deadline for application **has been extended till April 10th 2022*. Successful candidates will be informed during the first week after the deadline.

The event will be heldas an in-person workshop.

Best regards,

on behalf of the organizing committee

Jan Blaha (EMBL Hamburg), Lars Redecke (University of Lübeck/DESY), Ekaterina Round (European XFEL), Sihyun Sung (EMBL Hamburg), Matthias Wilmanns (EMBL Hamburg)

*Vanya Opalchenska*
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
c/o DESY, Notkestrasse 85, bldg. 25A
22607 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49-40-89902-224
Fax.: +49-40-89902-149


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