Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Bernhard Rupp
Yes, I missed the second set of cell constants and assumed Florian is
talking about ambiguity in the same data set.


Thx BR


From: Harry Powell [] 
Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 12:14
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity


Hi Bernhard et al


The lattice metric  is the same for both SGs (did not understand Eleanor’s


Hmmm - 

well the I212121 cell and the P21221 cells you give here have different
volumes, so they cant be just rearrangements of symmetry operators and
non-cryst translation.


Cell volume for the I222 cell = 87.8 * 101.18 * 123.63 ~= 1,098,280 Å^3


Cell volume for the P22121 cell = 93.34 * 105.47 * 122.98 ~=1,210,685 Å^3


Or ~10% different - so to me, anyway, Eleanor's remark made perfect sense.


In principle, differences between NCS and XS of compatible metric become
more distinct at

higher resolution (i.e. at night, all cats are grey).


Best, BR


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Florian Schmitzberger
Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 10:47
Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity


Hi everybody,


I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the
same cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR
with Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree:


Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent
with I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule.
The unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for
two of the data sets are:

I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;


I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the
initially solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in
P22121 differs from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222.
Trying to solve this P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in
high Z scores, and maps do not look good.


Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve
in P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this
case, since the resolution is lower).


Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational
NCS. These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the
original P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space
group, with the overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 


I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is.
Could it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222,
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected?
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual)
transition of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa),
caused by variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.


It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.


Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.










Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue,
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QH

Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission on
Crystallographic Computing

Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic









Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Bernhard Rupp
> As I understand, P22121 should be fine to process (and deposit in the
PDB); and there is no need to reindex to HM convention P21212.


No need to, but trivial and then in conformance with the ITC. If we have a
standard listing in ITC, why not use it? Having different symbols/settings 

for the same SG only adds complexity to data mining without providing a
tangible benefit. Ergo, non-parsimonious and fails Occam's razor

which in turn follows form Bayes (Jefferys, W.H. & Berger, J.O. (1991).
American Scientist 80, 64-72. Sharpening Ockham's razor on a Bayesian


Best, BR


Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate 

Multitude must never be proposed without necessity



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Schmitzberger,Florian
Hi everybody,

Thank you for your comments!

The data sets that index in I222 tend to have shorter a and b axes. I have data 
sets in I222 with a=95.31 b=106 c=125.9 though (still need to look at these in 
detail). These axes are relatively close to those in the original P22121, which 
I processed and refined. Some of the P22121 data sets with strong translational 
NCS, which can be solved in I222 too, have dimensions of a=93.04 b=104.3 
c=123.6; i.e. very similar to the original P22121 that is inconsistent with 

The off-origin Patterson peak in the P22121 space group with trans. NCS is at 
0.46, 0.50, -0.50 and at 22 % height - relative to the origin peak. This peak 
is also present in the originally solved P22121 (where no substantial 
translational NCS was flagged), with a peak height of 18 %.



P.S.: As I understand, P22121 should be fine to process (and deposit in the 
PDB); and there is no need to reindex to HM convention P21212.

On Oct 13, 2014, at 11:08 AM, Eleanor Dodson>> wrote:

Hmmm -
well the I212121 cell and the P21221 cells you give here have different 
volumes, so they cant be just rearrangements of symmetry operators and 
non-cryst translation.

Do you get other sets of cell dimensions for different processing?


On 13 October 2014 09:47, Florian Schmitzberger>> 
Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data.

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Kay Diederichs
Hi Florian,

a couple of things come to my mind:
a) you have to be careful in your use of XDS; if you specify space group number 
18 it will use "P 21 21 2" as space group, whereas you seem to use the ordering 
a ) to find 
whether there are half-integer indices, and to visually check predictions 
(XDSGUI - see 
) presents a way to do this easily.
c) According to the ITC vol A, P22121 and I222 have a subgroup-supergroup 
relationship so it is indeed possible that a small change in the packing can 
convert one to the other 
d) ZANUDA is the program to use in case of space-group ambiguity



On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:47:18 +0200, Florian Schmitzberger 

>Hi everybody,
>I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the 
>same cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR 
>with Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 
>Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
>I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
>unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
>the data sets are:
>I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;
>I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the 
>initially solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 
>differs from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to 
>solve this P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, 
>and maps do not look good.
>Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
>P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this 
>case, since the resolution is lower).
>Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
>off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
>positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational 
>NCS. These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
>P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with 
>the overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 
>I am uncertain, what the �true� space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
>it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
>reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
>Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) 
>transition of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), 
>caused by variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.
>It�s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
>that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
>crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.
>Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.

Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Jurgen Bosch
I think Eleanor was looking at the cell axis in particular a and b they are off 
by almost 10%, hence unlikely to be identical, unless I missed something there.
Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-2926

On Oct 13, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Bernhard Rupp>> wrote:

It might help to look at the images and predictions. You a have serial vs 
integral extinctions
(i.e. conditions limiting reflections are:)
P 2 21 21 (Standard: P 21 21 2, btw)
0K0 : K=2N only
00L : L=2N only

HKL : H+K+L=2N only

Alternatively you could process unmerged data with XPREP or so and look
at the systematic absence violations.

The lattice metric  is the same for both SGs (did not understand Eleanor’s 

In principle, differences between NCS and XS of compatible metric become more 
distinct at
higher resolution (i.e. at night, all cats are grey).

Best, BR

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Florian 
Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 10:47
Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data.

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Harry Powell
Hi Bernhard et al

> The lattice metric  is the same for both SGs (did not understand Eleanor’s 
> remark)

>> Hmmm - 
>> well the I212121 cell and the P21221 cells you give here have different 
>> volumes, so they cant be just rearrangements of symmetry operators and 
>> non-cryst translation.

Cell volume for the I222 cell = 87.8 * 101.18 * 123.63 ~= 1,098,280 Å^3

Cell volume for the P22121 cell = 93.34 * 105.47 * 122.98 ~=1,210,685 Å^3

Or ~10% different - so to me, anyway, Eleanor's remark made perfect sense.

> In principle, differences between NCS and XS of compatible metric become more 
> distinct at
> higher resolution (i.e. at night, all cats are grey).
> Best, BR
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Florian 
> Schmitzberger
> Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 10:47
> Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity
> Hi everybody,
> I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the 
> same cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR 
> with Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 
> 0.213/0.244.
> Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
> I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
> unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
> the data sets are:
> I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;
> I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the 
> initially solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in 
> P22121 differs from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying 
> to solve this P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z 
> scores, and maps do not look good.
> Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve 
> in P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this 
> case, since the resolution is lower).
> Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
> off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
> positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational 
> NCS. These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the 
> original P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space 
> group, with the overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 
> I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. 
> Could it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
> reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
> Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) 
> transition of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), 
> caused by variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.
> It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
> that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
> crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.
> Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.
> Cheers,
> Florian

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, 
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QH
Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission on 
Crystallographic Computing
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 

Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Isupov, Michail
Hi Florian,

When your pseudo-translation (native Patterson peak) is close to (0.5,0.5,0.5) 
even in p22121 you will have have most of reflections with
measured as weak. In your lower resolution datasets 2.6 and 3.0 A non-weak 
reflections can be lost in noise and your group assignment
may go wrong, and all of your crystals may be P22121.

Having said this, polymorphism is quite common.
In a recent publication Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2014 Sep 1;70(Pt 
9):2430-43, Lebedev & Isupov
we describe a case where two crystals had similar cell parameters in different 
space groups

a = 119.2, b = 192.5, c = 77.3 P212121
a = 112.0, b = 192.2, c = 76.7 P21212.

Both structures could be refined in the other space group at 1.8A resolution, 
but resulting R-frees were 8-15 % higher in the wrong space group.
Both space group appeared as a result of symmetry breakdown in a supergroup 
A2122 (reindexed C2221).
P212121  structure could also be refined in the supergroup with FreeR only 3 % 
higher than in the real space group.
However as half of reflections had to be thrown out to reindex to A2122 even if 
FreeR would be equal in the supergroup and P212121
I would consider the latter correct.

I would recommend to  solve and refine your low resolution structures in all 
possible space groups and choose the one with  better refinement statistics,
preferring  not centered one in case of equal Rfrees.

Quality of density maps could be criteria in borderline cases.



From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Florian 
Schmitzberger []
Sent: 13 October 2014 09:47
Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data.

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Ed Pozharski
Yes, having different crystal forms in the same crystallization conditions is, 
while clearly uncommon, not unheard of. I had a case once where at least four 
different crystal forms were observed in crystals harvested from identically 
prepared drops.  It may be that there is some major set of contacts that 
promote certain arrangement of protein molecules (fiber-like), and these can 
then be packed in multiple ways as controlled by another ser of weaker 

Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® III

 Original message From: Florian Schmitzberger 
 Date:10/13/2014  4:47 AM  
(GMT-05:00) To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: [ccp4bb] 
I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity 
Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Bernhard Rupp
It might help to look at the images and predictions. You a have serial vs
integral extinctions 

(i.e. conditions limiting reflections are:)

P 2 21 21 (Standard: P 21 21 2, btw)

0K0 : K=2N only 

00L : L=2N only  



HKL : H+K+L=2N only


Alternatively you could process unmerged data with XPREP or so and look

at the systematic absence violations.


The lattice metric  is the same for both SGs (did not understand Eleanor's


In principle, differences between NCS and XS of compatible metric become
more distinct at 

higher resolution (i.e. at night, all cats are grey).


Best, BR


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Florian Schmitzberger
Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 10:47
Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity


Hi everybody,


I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the
same cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR
with Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree:


Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent
with I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule.
The unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for
two of the data sets are:

I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;


I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the
initially solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in
P22121 differs from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222.
Trying to solve this P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in
high Z scores, and maps do not look good.


Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve
in P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this
case, since the resolution is lower).


Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational
NCS. These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the
original P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space
group, with the overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 


I am uncertain, what the 'true' space group for some of my data sets is.
Could it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222,
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected?
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual)
transition of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa),
caused by variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.


It's relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.


Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.







Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Jodie Johnston
Hi Florian,

Not sure if this is helpful or not but I have a particular protein that seems 
to be either P22121 (with 2 molecules) or I222 (with one molecule).

Not from the same drop but crystallised in similar conditions but with 
different small molecules bound.

In many cases the crystals can be processed in both space groups but refine 
better in one over the other.

I always thought (as the small molecules affect some loops folding on the 
active site in my case)

that sometimes all my protein molecules had the same conformation of those 
loops and in other cases there were subtle differences - do you see any 
differences or small molecules bound asymmetrically in your P22121 cases ?

Best regards


From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Florian 
Schmitzberger []
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2014 9:47 p.m.
Subject: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data.

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.



Re: [ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Hmmm -
well the I212121 cell and the P21221 cells you give here have different
volumes, so they cant be just rearrangements of symmetry operators and
non-cryst translation.

Do you get other sets of cell dimensions for different processing?


On 13 October 2014 09:47, Florian Schmitzberger <> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the
> same cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by
> MR with Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined
> R/Rfree: 0.213/0.244.
> Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent
> with I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule.
> The unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for
> two of the data sets are:
> I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;
> I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the
> initially solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in
> P22121 differs from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222.
> Trying to solve this P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in
> high Z scores, and maps do not look good.
> Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also
> solve in P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear
> in this case, since the resolution is lower).
> Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial
> off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser
> positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational
> NCS. These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the
> original P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space
> group, with the overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data.
> I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is.
> Could it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in
> I222, reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected?
> Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual)
> transition of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa),
> caused by variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.
> It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the
> molecule that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts
> that are crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.
> Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.
> Cheers,
> Florian

[ccp4bb] I222 - P22121 space-group ambiguity

2014-10-13 Thread Florian Schmitzberger
Hi everybody,

I collected a number of X-ray data sets from crystals originating from the same 
cryst. drop. I solved the initial structure in P22121 space group by MR with 
Phaser locating two molecules (data to ~ 2.1 Angstr.); refined R/Rfree: 

Processing of some of the other data sets with XDS/Aimless is consistent with 
I222 space group (resolution ~ 2.6 Ang.). I can locate one molecule. The 
unit-cell dimensions for I222 and the initial P22121 space groups for two of 
the data sets are:
I222: a=87.8 b=101.18 c=123.63; P22121: a=93.34 b=105.47 c=122.98;

I superposed the molecule in I222 onto one of the two located for the initially 
solved P22121; the orientation of the NCS-related molecule in P22121 differs 
from the crystallographic-symmetry related one in I222. Trying to solve this 
P22121 data set in I222 with MR, does not result in high Z scores, and maps do 
not look good.

Some of the data sets that process in I222 to ~ 3 Angstr., I can also solve in 
P22121, locating two molecules (differences may not be that clear in this case, 
since the resolution is lower).

Some other data sets process in P22121 with Aimless; with a substantial 
off-origin Patterson peak, indicating translational NCS. For these, Phaser 
positions two molecules that are related by crystallographic translational NCS. 
These two molecules are crystallographic-symmetry related in the original 
P22121 data set. I can also solve these data sets in I222 space group, with the 
overall Z score higher than for the P22121 data. 

I am uncertain, what the ‘true’ space group for some of my data sets is. Could 
it be that for data that process in P22121, but can be solved in I222, 
reflections that would indicate I222 space group were not collected? 
Alternatively, perhaps what I am seeing is that there is a (gradual) transition 
of the crystal lattice (between P22121 and I222 or vice versa), caused by 
variation in crystal handling/cooling or exposure to X-rays.

It’s relevant to me, because in P22121 space group, a region of the molecule 
that is of biological interest makes NCS-related crystal contacts that are 
crystallographic-symmetry related in I222.

Has anybody observed similar cases? I would appreciate comments.

