As part of the recent Midsummer Make-over of the Protein Data Bank in Europe website (PDBe;, we introduced a new Wizard tool. The purpose of the Wizard is to help novice users find "stuff" on the site, be it one or more PDB or EMDB entries or information about PDBe tools, resources, tutorials, roadshows, formats, services, etc. In addition, it provides hints about quicker ways of finding the same information in the future.

The Wizard first tries to figure out what you are looking for and what information you already have. Based on that, it will either provide you with a box to enter some input (e.g., a PDB code, author name or UniProt ID) and start a search for you, or it will give you a link to a resource or service or a page with more information.

Once you get to the stage where input is required, there will often be two helpful buttons. One, labelled "Shortcut", will provide you with hints on how you could do your search much quicker the next time you use the site. The other, labelled "What results will I get?", does what its name suggests. There is also a button labelled "Feedback" on most pages - please use it to provide us with comments and suggestions.

You can access the Wizard by surfing to (or by surfing to the PDBe homepage at and clicking on the tab marked "Wizard").

As always, we welcome comments and suggestions on new features (preferably using the big, fat "FEEDBACK" button on the PDBe web pages).


Gerard J. Kleywegt, PDBe, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK .....................
Secretary: Pauline Haslam

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