Dear CCP4BB community,

We are looking into acquiring a crystal imaging system. I'm keen to learn about personal preferences and experiences, perhaps with some technical performance specifics. Points of interest include (but are not limited to)

* quality of images (focussing depth, lighting, ...)
* reliability
* service needs and serviceability
* drop localisation

Could I suggest to forward replies directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than to the BB so as not to upset any particular supplier unnecessarily?
(I promise to generate a posting-suitable summary).

Many thanks,



                    Klaus Fütterer, Ph.D.

School of Biosciences             P: +44-(0)-121-414 5895
University of Birmingham          F: +44-(0)-121-414 5925
Edgbaston                         E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK           W:

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