You are invited to participate in the Center for BioMolecular Structures  
Solution Scattering - LIX (morning) and Macromolecular Crystallography - MX  
(afternoon) Workbenches,  November 3 through 5. The main goal of these 
workshops is to provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the method and 
software utilized for data collection. Lectures and demonstrations will address 
the capabilities of the beam lines and provide an overview of Structural 
Biology resources available to the community at NSLS II. Tips and Tricks on how 
to collect the best data will be discussed throughout  the workshops. We 
encourage you to send samples and take advantage of the time reserved for the 
workbench to analyze a few samples.

REGISTRATION Deadline: October 23, 2020

Please do register for both workshops separately if you plan to participate in 
both. If you do not have a current BNL guest appointment or are planning to 
send samples contact
Vivian Stojanoff (

Hope to "see" on November 3rd!

Vivian Stojanoff, PhD
Education, Training, Outreach
User Program - CBMS
p 1(631) 344 8375

Center for BioMolecular Structures
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Building 745
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton NY 11973


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